While Oscar buzz is great for movie sales, not everyone prefers to pay for their content. According to stats just released by piracy tracking firm...
全站免费通告!wide freeleech! 由于近期攻击频繁,给各位HDSkyer们的浏览下载体验造成了极大的不便,对此管理组深表歉意。目前经过 努力,情况已有所改观。在此感谢后台维护团队竭尽全力,提高了安全防范级别,给我们共同的高清分享天空保驾 护航!...
I know you're thinking to yourself, Another begging post, but believe me I hate doing this. As you can see by the donors meter we've barely...
Internet provider AT&T has obtained a patent to speed up BitTorrent and other file-sharing traffic, while reducing the impact of these transfers...
Just a quick update. TPB is now fully resurrected. Former staff and their forum SuprBay is back. So no new TPB from ex staff. TPB is now safe to...
Jeremy Hammond, one of the well-known Anonymous members, who took part in some of the hacking groups largest cyber acts, can be now found in the...
Social news website Reddit recently gave up its plans to create its own version of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency, firing its lead developer and...
Congrats you are trying to signup while we have an Feb2015 promo going on. If you would like to signup here we have an promo setup for you....
There's no doubt that Game of Thrones is the most pirated TV-show in history, with copyright holders doing all they can to remove infringing...
Team Telly Official Site Celebrating 2'nd Anniversary! Enjoy Freeleech & Blazing Seed speeds with the Fastest Torrent site
2015 AsiaTorrents Banner Voting Voting Ends: 28 FEBRUARY 2015. Vote for your favorite banner! https://www.asiatorrents.me/imgz/images/FC0oz.png
Get 25MB reward for a comment on torrent quality (Note: Only one comment is allowed on one torrent)
A new report released by Tru Optik shows that there are hundreds of millions of active BitTorrent users who together shared 18 billion files last...
We recommend not to use the deluges , BitLord , baretorrent torrent client . Using them may damage ratio . Perhaps it refers to what is still a...
Registrations Open Registrations opened for one week, hurry up guys.. Donate This site relies on your donations to stay online. Once you donate...
All downloads must be seeded for 12 hours. Hit and Runners WILL be banned No Requests in Shout - Requests in shout will be deleted Staff and...
We decided to suppress warnings too low ratio. Now , only the seedtime of each torrent is taken into account. If you seedez each torrent 36 hours,...
Defending its decision to target Australians for piracy of its movie Dallas Buyers Club, Voltage Pictures has told a court it has limits on who it...
Welcome to TTsWeb V4. Please Note:This site TTsWeb.Org V4 is highly beta right now. Please report any new bugs to TTs V4 Bugs List Only and...
Registrations are now closed. We will be having our next Mass Ratio Ban on February 21st @ 11PM GMT. This means ANYONE with a ratio below 0.7 will...
Feb-16-15 - Down Thanks for sticking with us through the down time. As compensation, we've enabled DOUBLE IRC IDLE BONUS!!! Please join us in IRC...
- 迎羊年!送2015G上传量!今晚凌晨23:59发放! 为迎接羊年春节的到来,为了感谢所有会员对TTHD大家庭的支持,今晚23:59一次赠送所有会员(含us er级别以上会员,包括从现在开始至今晚23:59之间注册的会员)每人2015...
Uploaders Wanted! We need members who are willing to upload several comics/packs per week (exact number is flexible and will be discussed) and...
According to YouTube official, the huge volume of content regularly uploaded to the video streaming service makes it impossible for the company to...
Thanks to Edward Snowden, it became known that Canadian government spied on millions of file-sharing downloads from the popular websites. It...
The portal has finally published its first transparency report, which discloses backroom events. Talking about the copyright violations, Reddit...
Hello , we have decided to change the name of the tracker which also comes with the change of domain and also a lot of improvements in V2 ....
Hi allWe thought we should let you know that there has been and will be some big changes on yello. we are updating the cinema and tv room...
We are currently looking for uploaders to join our team. Do you think you have time to commit to uploading here then please pm...
There will be some downtime this week, it may be 10 minutes, it may be a whole day or more. When this downtime will occur is unknown as of now....