x2 Upload Credit Offer Our x2 upload credit offer is now active. This means any donation you make towards our server costs, you will receive...
Members to be deleted In the next 7 days, any member who has not been on the site for over 4 wks, will be deleted and ip banned, so members will...
Global Freeleech is active.
IRC Bonus Active Hi All, The IRC bonus is active. When you join our channel #digitalcore you earn 1 bonus point per hour for being online...
x2 Upload Credit Offer Our x2 Upload Credit Offer for all donations is now active. You will receive double the amount than usual for any donation...
Google Translation: Full Throttle From Where We Left Off OUR SITE IS ACTIVE !!
Our Wrestlemania Raffle is now active! Every member who donates until April 8th (6PM GMT) will be automatically entered into our Wrestlemania...
Purchase of template tickets has just been made active again. Read more here: Code: forums.php? Action = viewthread & threadid = 55083
Our x2 upload credit offer is now active. Any members who make a donation towards server costs until March 7th will receive double the amount than...