Error 524 A timeout occurred.
Global FreeLeech will end on Sat 22nd around 10PM UTC, hope everyone is having a great new year!
This client has been whitelisted for use on AlphaRatio.
Sziasztok! Szeretném a címben említettek szerint cserélni egyiket a másikra. Részletekért vagy más ajánlatokkal privátban keressetek létszíves. Website - offline for the past 54m offline...
Site is down. The server is not responding.
Temporary issues with torrents pages not loading properly (torrents don't appear at all).
(HTTP & HTTPS) Tracker is offline for the past 6 hours.
Global Freeleech is activated until further notice
I want to say that we've made it through the year 2020. It hasn't been easy, it's definitely been interesting. Please keep in mind anyone who...
Error 524 Ray ID: 6008677cdb3e18e8 2020-12-12 15:17:42 UTC A timeout occurred
AlphaRatio is under maintenance
Global Freeleech is activated.
Korábbi ssd kudarcunkból azt gondoltuk, hogy minden jó és rendben van. Minden rendszerellenőrzés menet közben történt. Az SQL rendben van. Ezután...
tTorrent Pro This client has been whitelisted. Read more about their android based client here
Downtime due to failed ssd, as it is said.
AR is having issues. Admins are aware and working on it.
GFL Global Freeleech will end on Sunday 9th.
NickServ on IRC NickServ has been reset. Unfortunately, anyone who has registered their nicks on IRC in the past will have to do so again. To...