2021. október 1-jén a szabad regisztrációt le fogjuk zárni! Utána már csak meghívóval lehet regisztrálni!
Hi all, As you may know, Aither.cc is using the Codebase of the UNIT3D Community Project, which is a 100% free of charge and fully open source!...
Candidate area function update In order to further standardize the resources in the site, the site has completed the update of the candidate area...
National Day website activities From September 30th to October 1st, registration is open for 2 days. From October 4th to October 10th, the whole...
Notice on the opening of invitation permissions during the National Day It is planned to open the invitation permission during the National Day....
Site is down.
Tisztelt Felhasználók! Akinek eddig gondja akadt a speedtesttel,most már tudja pótolni,működik. [IMG]
10. Kvíz Beküldési intervallum: 2021.09.28. 17:00 - 2021.10.05. 17:00. A 10. kvíz elérhetősége már megtalálható a fórumban A MEGOLDÁSOK...
Csütörtökön (30-án) 19 órakor Kvízt tart z* az üzenőfalon. Mindenkit szeretettel várunk!!
is down.
Almost done. Check back after the next weekend for news. We appreciate your patience. It has truly been an insane amount of work. You'll see....
We have removed the 20 gib or larger restriction on tv refunds. So any tv pack you download on BHD (as long as it was flagged as a pack and had...
"Downtime sucks. Had a hard drive playing hide and seek. Good news is, the drive came back to get the current data off of, and there was just...
Another Summer is over, alas, and another Fall has set in. In the northern hemisphere days are ever shorter and likely rainy. So, to make you...
[IMG] Hi, folks! So, I'm not sure you all are all aware but we have an awesome IRC channel hosted on the Dejatoons network! The users are...
Az oldalon fejlesztések zajlanak, az esetlegesen fellépő átmeneti hibákért elnézést kérünk!
Dear All, We are urgent need of donation as things are not going well, we never put ads on our site never asked to pay for service, we have kept...
39.heti Kvíz és játék beosztás [IMG]
Celebrate National Day! From October 1st to 5th, the whole station is free for five days.
Error 522 • 2021-09-27 Connection timed out bwtorrents.tv Host Error -------- Too many users. Please press the Refresh button in your browser to...
Kedves Felhasználók! Az Erdélyi Magyar Rádión játék kezdődik. Itt tudjátok meg a részleteket!...
Server is down not responding atm .
Google Translation: Freeleech 24-hour freeleech from W****** 7 hours 9 minutes 38 seconds Freeleech :)
We will be having a planned upgrade and maintennance at our data center. Maintenance Date: 25th September 2021 Maintenance Time: 3:30AM 6:30AM...
10% DISCOUNT on Cryptocurrencies donations! Double up 100% more upload credit Thank You for your support Donate today !!
User class upload requirements relaxed and Public CSS repo User class upload requirements relaxed: Now that we have a reasonable amount of...
We are happy to announce that new group called "UnKn0wn" has joined to our internal team! Welcome and good luck!
[IMG] Hey, everyone! We're happy to announce our first ever contest here at CRT! This hopefully helps to fill out our WOC* category with more...