Blutopia recently had scheduled downtime for maintenance to migrate over to a new infrastructure of super servers. When site was brought back up...
Greetings, There will be scheduled maintenance on Saturday , July 28th @ 8PM EST. This maintenance period could last up to one hour. All data is...
Just because..... Global Freeleech mode activated! 4 days, 15 hours, 58 minutes, 40 seconds
Email Whitelist In Effect! Greetings, We are making some changes regarding email providers. Currently, we have no policy in place, now we are...
You can now Request a Complete T.V Series in a single Request. Have Fun! Blutopia Staff. [IMG] [IMG]
*Global Freeleech mode activated! Global Double upload mode activated! 13 hours Remaining .... *
Open registration activated! 2 days, 0 hours, 17 minutes, 5 seconds
:blue_heart: Happy Father's Day To All The Dads Out There! ENJOY THE FREELEECH! :blue_heart: 2 days, 0 hours, 6 minutes, 26 seconds
Greetings, There will be a 10-20min scheduled downtime TODAY Friday, June 8th 2018 @ 9:00pm EST. Data is safe this is just routine server updates...
Global Freeleech mode activated! Global Double upload mode activated! 2 days, 11 hours. Remaining
Greetings, There will be a 10-20min scheduled downtime Tuesday, May 23rd 2018 @ 10:00pm EST. Data is safe this is just routine server updates...
LEGI0N and Gizmo3D is no longer part of Blutopia They joined Blutopia after the shutdown of HD4FREE 'There was a disagreement between the...
SCHEDULED SYSTEM DOWNTIME - May 8th 2018 Greetings, There will be a 10-15min scheduled downtime Tuesday, May 8th 2018 @ 10:00am EST. Data is...
Global Freeleech mode activated! 1 day, 7 hours, 32 minutes, 56 seconds
Global Freeleech mode activated! Global Double upload mode activated! EXPIRED!
Happy 1st birthday blutopia enjoy the 12 days of freeleech and double upload, one day for each month blutopia has been alive we would not be...
Fellow Blutopians, Please be advised that the site will be unavailable from 05:00pm to 05:30pm EST on March 27th 2018. This period of downtime...
Published At 04 Mar 2018 We have added a new donation system HERE. Supporter Perks: Supporter Group includes the following benefits: Everything...
In the last few days knowledge of a major Utorrent v3.x vulnerability/security flaw discovered by Google security researcher Tavis Ormandy was...
Greetings, There is now private messaging in the chat box. In the past using @ E would highlight the message for the user that was tagged. In...
Error 503: Service Unavailable! The server is currently unavailable (because it is overloaded or down for maintenance). Generally, this is a...
I just made updates to meta data handling......from here on out IMDB number is no longer required. TMDB number instead is. TMDB is a lot better...
Greetings, Please be aware today Saturday, February 17th 2018 at 8:00pm EST there will be site maintenance for 1 hour max. Best Regards,...
Error 500: Internal Server Error! Our server encountered an internal error. Sorry For The Inconvenience
Greetings, As some of you might have heard HD4Free is offline. There was some issues I won't go into much detail on but in the end there server...
Codebase Updates Graveyard System Launched (Beta) Guidelines: 1) You cannot resurrect your own uploads. 2)Dont resurrect something you...
Signup is open until 01/01-18.
Happy Holidays Blutopians Global Freeleech Mode Activated! 11day(s)3hour(s)48minute(s)18second(s)
Greetings, Blutopia is seeking to get more uploaders on board specifically for TV content. If you are interested please PM BluCrew for further...
The following user groups of Blutopia have been granted 1 free invite! Use it wisely and help grow Blutopia! Member | BluMember | BluMaster |...