Hello, I've seen that different members have had issues with Utorrent. What I would suggest for all the users with hundreds of torrents in...
FreeLeech and 1MB of Upload Lotto to Win 20GBs for All!!! In the future I will not be linking to Utorrent/Bittorrent because after all these...
Hello, The "Similar torrents" feature that's on each torrents details page now shows a preview thumbnail so that you can tell if you're...
Hello, This message is about an update to the Torrent Blocker system, I've added the feature to block all Throw Back torrents now. This means if...
Okay Here's the rules to the current running lotto: Everyone Can Buy 1 Ticket Each Ticket Cost 1 MegaByte Upload The Grand Prize is 10,000 GBs...
Hello, Thanks for being part of our online community. If your ratio is under 1.0 here's a free 20 gigs worth of seed bonus points. Get your 500...
FreeLeech and 1MB of Upload Lotto to Win 20GBs for All!!! Okay Here's the rules to the current running lotto: Everyone Can Buy 1 Ticket Each...
Click Here to Vote In Our New poll!, Once You Vote This Message Will Be Gone
Új banner került hozzáadásra. Inkább ihlettem, és ritkán új grafikát készítek. Találtam néhány korábbi, a korábbi bannerekről készített...
FreeLeech starts now and will run until (12am Eastern Standard Time, May 6th, 2015). FreeLeech is when Every Torrent 1GB or more is Free to...
Your ratio is your uploaded amount divided by your downloaded amount. Example 5GBs uploaded divided by 10GBs downloaded is a (.500) ratio....
Your ratio is your uploaded amount divided by your downloaded amount. Example 5GBs uploaded divided by 10GBs downloaded is a (.500) ratio. These...
Okay Here's the rules to the current running lotto: Everyone Can Buy 1 Ticket Each Ticket Cost 1 MegaBytes Upload The Grand Prize is 1,000 GBs...
Rest Of the year and beyond FreeLeech!!! We have a lot of features!!! Just a reminder, we have a lot of features on this site. And you might have...