World Cup 2014 Contest! We will be running a World Cup 2014 Contest. Yes we are starting a bit late but better late than never. The rules are...
Trainz Simulator 2 (MONEY) Not Allowed With the MONEY K is not to be uploaded here at BS, unless you have found a work around, which I highly...
Congratulations to our new staff member Join us in welcoming dry201 to our staff. Many of you have seen his uploads now you can say thank you and...
Selling/Trading BS Invites is Strictly Prohibited We have caught a few members selling invites and they have been banned, unfortunately the...
Freeleech ending soon Freeleech will end today at 24:00 GMT.
New Moderator: ego.met One of our very longstanding members, ego.met, has been added to the BrokenStones Staff as our newest Moderator. Please...
Congratulations to xantam our new Admin We are very pleased to announce that xantam has been promoted to Admin class. He will be a valuable asset...
Reminder about pre-release software again This is a reminder about our strict rule forbidding the upload of pre-release software at BrokenStones....
Email Support Closed The email is closed until further notice thanks to the careless actions of the idiot admin of And until we...
Email Support Available Now BrokenStones has a new email for support in case of difficulties logging in and staff are unavailable in IRC. The...
Selling/Trading Invites is Strictly Prohibited We have caught a few members selling invites and they have been banned, unfortunately the people...
Hotlinking images/url's from BS on other boards Not Allowed We recently caught some user hotlinking images from BrokenStones on a certain...
RSS Feed change Due to a few but far too "noticeable" occurrences with spamming the RSS feed / site server with incorrect use, the default link...
FreeLeech END The FreeLeech period has officially been ended.
Happy New Year [IMG] We wish all our members the best in the coming year and years to follow. Hopefully you have all enjoyed the freeleech period...
2012 Holiday Give Away Winners! The 2012 BrokenStones contest has come to a close. Winners will be contacted by maddog to find out details...
2012 Holiday Give Away The contest is open to all users wishing to participate and hoping to win a Christmas gift. Topic for more details and to...
Why can't I get promoted to PU? During freeleech events the auto demotions/promotions are turned off so that leecher class users are not banned...
uTorrent works on BS again! At long last the developers seem to have fixed the problems with private trackers mentioned below, and version 1.8.1...
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! December is the season 3/4 of the world celebrates the spirit of Christmas by being more tolerant and...
uTorrent not work on BrokenStones Unfortunately, uTorrent problems persist from 1.7.13 to 1.8.1 and may continue if the developers don't fix...
uTorrent 1.7.13 problem not solved Our coder merdus discussed the uTorrent problem with the developers on their forum and they replied...
uTorrent 1.7.13 problem We know that uTorrent 1.7.13 is not working on the site. This issue may not be resolved as the coders see nothing in our...
Parallels Desktop 8, pre-release until September 4 A user uploaded a copy of this already and we nuked it for not having a serial/crack/keygen....
A notice to all users with Mac OS X 10.8 This announcement is due to the increasing complaints by users unfamiliar with 10.8 and Gatekeeper....
Reminder about pre-release software This is a reminder about our strict rule forbidding the upload of pre-release software at BrokenStones. The...