[IMG] ♫ On the 1st day of Christmas, CC gave to me An invite for one of my friends ♫ This invite will self-destruct in 24 hours. Please use...
[IMG] To see all our halloween-themed torrents click HERE
Uploading at Cartoon Chaos With all the new members joining recently we thought it would be a good time to issue a reminder of our upload rules....
Cartoon Chaos 12 Days of Invites [IMG] ♫ On the 10th day of Christmas, CC gave to me An invite for my friend ♫ This invite will...
Dr. Seuss Birthday Poetry Contest [IMG] Idéz: Tomorrow's the birthday of one special guy, Who wrote about cats, elephants and pies in the...
It's CC's 5th!!!! Hey Gang! This month marks CC's 5th Anniversary! "It's our birthday! It's our birthday!!" "Do a little...
12 Days of Invites [IMG] ♫ On the 1st day of Christmas, CC gave to me an invite for one of my friends. ♫ [IMG] Note : Invites last for 24...
Old St. Nick just passed by! Hey there CC user, You may notice a little gift box near the top of your page like this: [IMG] When Christmas...
Halloween is nigh! [IMG] Check out all the Halloween-themed uploads on-site right HERE!
New IRC channels Dear users, We now have a separate channel for announcements: #cartoonchaos.announce, keyword: sitepeeps This allows our...
Reminder: passwords, security and account hijacks As some of you may have heard the database over at the popular 0day site "RevolutionTT" was...
Donations It's 48 hrs until donations are due and we are 63% of the way - any help, no matter how small, from our users would be greatly...
NEW STAFF! Congratulations are in order to ifishcat on his promotion to Moderator! Give him a pat on the back (or whatever [IMG])
REMINDER: LEECHING & SEEDING RULES This is a reminder to ALL userclasses that at cartoonchaos we have specific seeding rules designed to ensure...