We're still upgrading to the new master server. Some stuff *might* not work as expected ... The tracker will respond with a "torrent not...
the site is down for maintenance & will take it's time.. > check back on 1/1/2016 //staff
CGPersia.com and forum.cgpersia.com are now finally back online! We currently have cgpersia.to and something else on the way too. Going to be much...
All pending requests and ratios have been fixed. Every request that was made but then didn't show up in the list are now finally visible. Sorry...
I have no idea when it started, but it is currently open on all torrents. Don't miss out on this opportunity!
We have finally finished all maintenance! Our server hardware has been upgraded to better cpu/ram/ssds, along with major internal software...
Biggest mistake new users often make? Not understanding how your ratio works. It's easy though, your ratio is your uploaded amount, divided by...
CGPeers has a new Top-Level-Domain for added protection! You can now reach us at CGPeers.to Don't forget to bookmark it. Big thanks to everyone...
Sorry for the 12 hours of downtime. Apparently it was caused by a DDOS attack large enough to get us temporarily nullrouted. If it happens again I...