As you may have noticed, a few changes to some of AR's systems, some wiki has been updated, example: Bonuses and Donations new AutoDL announce...
Changes Announcement Change to your H&R warnings. Dear IPT users, You may have noticed that your high H&R warning count has been reset, or...
Re: ProAudioTorrents Toggle New Rule Changes In effect today - [Oct-05-2011] 1st rule change. No posting or external links to pictures or gifs...
Re: FSC Announcement: Returning staffer. As many of you know, g* has decided to step away from fsc, for personal reasons. This has left us with a...
2010-11-05 18:21:16 - Updates to the tracker's hierarchy ( by m* ) The following changes to the hierarchy have been implemented: p* is the...
Recently we've made a set of changes regarding how the torrent technical specs are stored and displayed, giving us a much better flexibility for...
Changes to folder naming. As we often tell you in these announcements, here at we think of ourselves as making a slow, inexorable march...