The server will be around 16:00 on November 9 for maintenance, maintenance time about 4 hours, please tell each other.
经管理层讨论决定,允许本站SGNB小组的4K UHD资源(不带黄色独占标识)让会员转发其他站点,会员们转发时请保留站点及小组后缀名,若私自去除后缀 转发必严肃追究处理。 Translation The management of the decision to allow the...
The recent export line is extremely unstable at night, giving access to websites and making some kind of difficulties. The management team decided...
最近黑客猖獗,有网站被撞库的情况发生,大家有时间更新一下密码,同时保护好邮箱,找回帐号唯一凭证为注册 邮箱,其它申诉方式无效。 Google Translate: Recently hackers rampant, a site was hit the library of the...
Since July 2017, I opened the CHDBits annual DIY original disc reward activities, activities to carry out a month has been lost, in order to make...
任务系统开放后,获得了广大会员的关注。再次补充说明一点,通过完成任务兑换的邀请道具是不受等级限制可以 随时发送(常规邀请如魔力购买的邀请必须在特定开放时间才能使用,或上传员以上等级可发送) 周知. ------------------------ Google Translate:...
Site development needs of the development needs of this site, external recruitment of the following staff. 1.chdtv recording group of several...
Please members to the task area to view, Daguai upgrade to make magic, do whatever you want to participate!
The recent discovery of individual members because of the task or spinach impact of a negative situation, and then remind me, in accordance with...
极致完美,年度DIY原盘大赏 1、活动简介为丰富本站资源,鼓励原创发掘DIY人才,本站将举办DIY原盘有奖活动。 2、活动时间2017年7月、8月、9月 3、活动规则: 1、活动简介...
The ultimate perfect, the annual DIY original plate awards 1, the activities of the rich resources for the site to encourage the original...
CHDBits自去年11月份开站以来,已取得长足的发展。在此,管理组对一直支持CHDBits发展的热 心的会员表示衷心的感谢!考虑到目前本站在大陆剧、港台剧及相关综艺节目的实时录制方面还有所欠缺,故面向 全体会员招募有上述录制条件的人员,具体招募详情如下: 录制人员需满足的基本条件:...
About client qBittorrent qBittorrent has been Supported. Please Feel as Free to the Test IT. Thank you.
2017-5-23 open task system test, the number of 500 people, if the test period found BUG timely report, such as to bring you the loss of the...
Personal mission system to seek advice Recently, I carry out the personal assessment activities have been the majority of members of the active...
因rtorrent 0.9.6/0.13.6、rtorrent/0.9.4/0.13.6存在严重的数据统计错误,经管理组考虑,即刻起tracker停止对该版本客户端的支持 rtorrent/0.9.4/0.13.4无影响。...
May 14th 24:00 will end last week at the beginning of the "limited invitation" activities. Buy "limited time invitation" has not yet sent out,...
拜了唯美四月,相逢火红五月。在经过一轮考核洗礼后,为了回馈珍惜而努力留下来的会员,本站将 于即日至下周 开启(未烧)User级别的邀请权限,同时提供1万魔力换1限时邀请的机会,限时邀请3天内有 效,且每会员...
站点关闭维护中,请稍后再访问...谢谢 Google Translate: Site off maintenance, please visit later ... thanks
The CHDBits website will be in maintenance from Apr. 22nd to Apr. 25th. In that case, the website will not be available until 00:00 on Apr. 26th....
After the end of the examination to open the QQ group to accept the relevant members of the assessment questions Advisory QQ group 200782725....
Google Translation: Examination is coming to an end in April 15th. After the assessment did not pass the assessment will be repaying membership...
Google Translation: CHDWEB recruitment Is expected to 1-2 people, merit admission, the details are as follows We can give you: 1. good...
Google Translation: 10 days left before the final whistle blows. Please make sure you fulfill the assessment requirement by 15th of April or your...
Google Translation: In order to distinguish the official old species, has added a new seed classification: source, the new release if the...
飞雪连天射白鹿,笑书神侠倚碧鸳,这十四个字代表着金庸老先生的十四部武侠经典巨著,且这些武侠经典巨 著也已翻拍成N个不同版本的电影、电视被广为流传,其影响力不输国际大片! 金庸,原名查良镛,1924年生,浙江海宁人,出身望族。大学主修英文和国际法。毕生从事新闻工作,曾在上...
With immediate effect, the resources released by the CHDWEB team are forbidden to be reproduced in any other pt or bt. Violators will be banned...
各位,为期两月的考核已经过了一半多,后台数据显示仍有不少岛民还未过考,现提醒下这部分会员,本站官方对 这次初考的态度是认真的、严肃的、坚决的,考核若无法通过,清理也是肯定的,所以还请珍惜在岛上的机会,剩...
时光荏苒,CHD2.0建站以来已近半年。回首这半年时光,从最初的不毛之地到现如今的一砖一瓦都离不开各 位辛勤的管理员、总版主、版主的艰辛和各位会员们的支持。 遥想1.0时代的CHD,那是一段辉煌的燃情岁月,会员们都看在眼里。今天我们相聚在2.0时代,有旧友, 有新朋,有电影,有故事。...
Members of CHDBits users Hello everyone! If your account is banned, please inform the management team and handle the appropriate procedure at...