原本站资源媒介分类中的miniBD、DVD分类已删除,同时这两种分类资源禁发。周知,谢谢 。 The original site resource media classification in the miniBD, DVD classification has been...
Notice After a few months of running, CHD finally returned. Welcome the new island of the island on the island, the recent discovery of individual...
还在为魔力值担心吗?还在为升级烦恼吗!欢迎各CHDer来到CHD的西部世界体育菠菜中心!这里的刺 激五花八门、这里的人气水涨船高,这里的奖励应有尽有!赚取魔力值有很多种方法,然而最快最刺激的就在体育 之家!...
Just got this in my inbox: Quote: About disable rtorrent 0.9.6 release announcement: Rtorrent 0.9.6 version because there is a serious error...
CHDBits自去年12月份开站以来,在广大热心会员和管理组成员的共同努力下,已由一个不足千人的小站 逐步发展壮大为超万人规模的PT站,在此管理组成员对那些一直默默支持CHDBits,对CH DBits不 离不弃的会员表示衷心的感谢。...
Ladies and gentlemen, today the site has opened a two-month assessment period, but some members may not know the beginning of the assessment, now...
由于考核加上TOP250活动,老种候选和发种剧增,但发现很多的发种仍不规范,如媒介是Encode(重 编码)的选择成Blu-ray(原盘)、图片或信息缺失,请发种后都检查一下,今天早上已发的在14点前修改好,未修改的14点后 直接删种。周知,谢谢! Due to assessment...
为了CHD论坛繁荣、持续发展,经管理层决定,特开展IMDb TOP250老种复活公告,现将有关事项通告如下: 一、活动对象:持有并发布原CHD作品版本的会员。 二、发种范围: IMDb TOP250...
捐赠事项补充说明 本站捐赠事项咨询以及处理唯一联系 QQ号:53220 任何私人联系本站不予承认,如有违规操作一经发现BAN号。若有管理私下处理数据以及给予挂星 VIP等行为 欢迎举报。一经查实,给予重奖。祝大家PT愉快! DONATIONS Supplement Donate...
全站FREE两天 恭喜BOBO大喜添二仔~~~ translate.google.com Quote: FREE two days Congratulations BOBO overjoyed Tim Aberdeen ~ ~ ~
接会员举报,部分会员在补发CHD老种时,由于修改了原文件名,或者添加了中文目录,或者在制作种子时加入 了字幕文件等,这导致他会员无法直接辅种,故请在发种前,先检查一下自己的资源有无这些问题,修改好后再发 布,以便辅种,另重编码资源nfo和sample缺失的,只要主文件没被修改,单独发主文件也...
Please open the invitation and received a report during the Spring Festival, a member of the transaction vest registration, seek the invitation to...
1、本站原捐赠会员恢复待遇的截止日期是1月10日,目前已过,不再受理 2、已恢复的黄星期限都为一年 3、本站已由新的管理团队重组,与前站在资金和数据上都没有继承关系 4、以上周知,望会员理解,为打造新CHD,我们需要共同努力 Google translate: 1, the...
早前公告的考核指标,没有考虑到所有带宽,数据计算有所失误,给广大会员带来不必要的困扰。 现调整如下: 1,上下载魔力指标保持不变,考核期限延至60天。 2,考核期间:魔力获取上调1.5倍,所有新发官方原盘2倍上传。 此次拟定的2月考核计划旨在邀请过后,清理囤号别无它意。...
Assessment notice Earlier announcement of the assessment indicators, did not take into account all the bandwidth, data calculations have errors,...
一、 为庆祝春节来临,我们将向全站会员每人免费赠送 3 个 限时邀请 名额,有效期2017年1月26日24时到1月30日24时,同时邀请发送权限也将暂时相应降至“冰人”级 ;请不要试图保留这些限时邀请,若截止到1月30日24时后仍未发出这些邀请名额,则会自动消 失。...
Members island friends: Unofficial group hair there are some non-standard issues, such as the re-encoding of the media is the choice of the...
Announcements that may result in the demotion of some users after modifying user-level metrics Recently, we have adjusted the user-level...
The management deliberations, the site closed in the early morning of 2017.1.5 invitation system, and the station invites cleared. Please tell...
CHDBTS regresses with a new aspect after nearly 3 years. There are many systems needing to be perfected and many mistakes needing to be corrected,...
CHDBits News Members, site upgrade security strategy, XP system is no longer known to support (XP system can be installed Firefox browser to visit...
此域名为备用域名请访问本站新的永久域:https://chdbits.co。 请重新收藏本站域名并把Tracker服务器地址改为:https://chdbits.co/announce.php?passkey=... (省略号为你的密钥)即可正常使用本站。烦请告知周围朋友。...
为了完善置顶,美化界面,让首页更清爽、更直观特拟此标准,望各管理按此标准执行置顶操作。 3级置顶为官方原盘组、官方DIY组发布及完结的剧集大包(不管几集只要是完结的,官方小组均为3级置顶) ; 3级置顶必须包含CHDBtis后缀,官方小组包括:CHDTV CHDHKTV OneHD...
Due to the new site less than a month, is at the run-in stage, a few days ago because of the originating DDOS attacks, to the site to create some...
Quote: 由於近期被不知名人士DDOS 所以把伺服器已經移動到日本的伺服器上,且掛上CDN。 臨時網址:http://hdchd.xyz 主要網域:http://chdbits.vip (預計禮拜一恢復使用) Translation: Due to the recent DDOS...
any news about chdbits ? anyone call irc and knew when they come back or not
Zhou was sentenced to 5 years in prison and fined 1,000,000 yuan. The other six persons were sentenced to in prison ranges from 1 to 3 years....
CHDbits down ? Today when we connected it falls on this page: http://zupimages.net/up/14/01/7plc.png did you even care ? hdsky similar ...
Site is down for maintenance, please check back again later... thanks