Freeleech one day... In order to serve you better, we will carry out the routine maintenance on the 7th of June 2012, between 10am-12pm. You may not able...
Re: CHDBits Show/Hide 2012.01.07 In conjunction with the sixth anniversary of CHD alliance, CHDBits is proud to present you the next wave of...
Re: CHDBits Show/Hide 2011.12.31 - Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Re: CHDBits Show/Hide 2011.12.14 Anniversary celebration: second announcement - MIDNIGHT OPERATION! The celebration of CHDBits's third...
Re: CHDBits Show/Hide 2011.11.25 To celebrate the 3rd anniversary of CHDBits and 6th anniversary of, we will give out limited-time...
Re: CHDBits We decide to lower the requirement of sending invites for a week. From 1 June to 7 June, "Power User" and higher classes will be able...