Google Translation: Downtime on Danishbits today We have had downtime today on the site, there were some technical issues but they have been...
*Google Translation: Tracker certificate* We are aware that there is a problem with the certificate on the tracker, we are waiting to get it...
Google Translation: Then it's summer ... and we think it should be celebrated so we have sent a gift to you our lovely users with 7 days free...
There are currently work on the bonus section, so problems can be encountered, thanks for your understanding and patience. // Staff Note: Google...
We have had downtime today at Danishbits, it was a server temporarily off, but the problem is resolved now, thanks for your patience and...
There are some small problems at the moment with the page and tracker. This affects the torrent page, games, tracker and other things do not...
#1 MrDBDonor (Power User) 1 time siden - [Citat] [Anmeld] [⇧] 13 MrDB's avatar We have officially implementated Facebook It will from now on...
Dear users at So our new theme is live: DB Golden Try our new theme here: user.php? Action = edit Remember, it's now possible to...
Google Translation: New "banned" client qBittorrent Version: -qB4040- Read more here
Unfortunately, we are under a big DDOS attack. Come in and talk to us on our IRC IRC - : #
Så er tiden kommet til, hvor vi gerne vil byde velkommen til ENiGMA til Danishbits ENiGMA var en fast gruppe på HD og har nu valgt at have sit...
We will do some server updates during the next week and there will be some downtime - so do not panic if the page does not respond;).
Then the time has come for a Halloween competition here at DanishBits. It's all about simplicity that you take a picture of your pumpkin. On the...
[IMG] Der er forår i luften og staff er glade i dag og det har vi fejret ved at sende 5 dages VIP til alle! Happy Leeching! Indløs din gave her:...
Google Translation: DanishBits Music Chart Then there is once again a new music chart with delicious hits for db people.
Google Translation: We are proud to tell you that DDP (Danish Bits children's section) will be part of the hard-core DBRETAiL from today. In...
Google Translation: SUBSTANCE seeking new subtitler! Are you good in Danish and English? Do you want to subtitle the series? So we teach you...
Dear all good DB people. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I should of course not be cheated of a Christmas here on Danish Bits,...
[IMG] Nu modtager alle aktive bruger på DB 10 gratis spins om dagen på vores Enarmet Tyveknægt! Bruges dine gratis spin ikke den pågældende dag,...
Nu begynder julen at nærme sig og dette betyder også, at det er tid til en julekonkurrence her på DanishBits. Konkurrencen går ud på, at man skal...
Threats from Njord and OPUS: Dear everyone. Unfortunately, we have recently seen that people are threatened by some law firms. This happens...
Så vil vi gerne give alle DB's aktive brugere 24 timers VIP! Tillykke til UNiTY og tak for jeres kæmpe indsats og jeres lækre film....
Quote: Så blev det tid til nogle nye ting, som man kan købe for sine bonus point. Der er planlagt et par stykke til, som vil komme til løbende....
FREE GAMES Do you have any games - keys you do not use or want of, we'd love to share them out to our users here at Danish Bits They awarded in...
[IMG] Sommeren er endelig over os og det har vi valgt at fejre med et lille sommertilbud, som giver 60% i rabat! Det består af følgende: * 3...
Remember that when Freeleech ends so begins the download count, even if your downloads started while there was Global Freeleech. So it should not...
En ny måned truer og det betyder, som altid, en ordentlig stak serier til alle jer retail lystne db'ere. DBRETAiL er igen på pletten med de...
Nedetid 1 dag, 5 timer siden Vi har haft nogen problemer med vores ene host, hvilket medførte en ~20 timers nedetid. Alt skulle være i orden igen,...
Dear user. It is about time to expand staff when tasks have become more than what the current team can handle. There are probably a few that will...
DBRETAiL Nyhedstråd 1 dag, 14 timer siden [IMG] En ny måned truer og det betyder, som altid, en ordentlig stak serier til alle jer retail...