Google Translation: Let's say "Welcome" to SpeedApp As some of you may know, in the spring of 2020 we began a long process of merging 3 large...
As some of you may know, in spring 2020 we began the long process of merging together 3 big communities: IceTorrent, MyXZ and SceneFZ. Lots of...
A domain cím megváltozott. Az oldal új elérhetősége:
Backup Tracker Please note that we now have ***** as the backup tracker domain for *****. You can change to the backup domain if you experience...
Az oldal új domain-en érhető el. [spoiler] További info hamarosan.
Site Update II Greetings all, It is about time for a site update on the hard work MTV staff has been doing to keep our little piece of the...
Google Translation: Here come the benefits! (server red effect compensation) The management team has issued 10,000 mana points to all users,...
New Backup Domain Hello fellow pervs :hello: We're pleased to announce that starting immediately all users can now use to browse...
Google Translation: Important notice moves to a new site with a new domain and now will be Well, come on guys who...
Domain Our domain bill is due (***) USD and the pot is empty. Retroflix needs your help by the 10th of next month, if you can donate please do....
The site has come back to life after several months of downtime, at a new domain: --------------------------------- Site...
Site is online again and has moved back to an older domain:
Site has moved to a new domain:
Google Translation: A weboldal tegnap óta nem elérhető, mivel domain neve lejárt. Valószínűleg a webhely adminisztrátora elfelejtette fizetni a...
Retrofix needs help Our domain bill is due (***) USD and the pot is empty. Retroflix needs your help by the 10th of next month, if you can donate...
Google Translation: Peace be upon you, sorry for not responding in the previous days. The site had a lot of problems, thank God, the site is now...
Change of tracker URL The new address is: The tracker will no longer be reachable from the old address.
Ajánljuk látogatóinknak, hogy a weboldalra lépjenek a https: használatával az új hivatalos domain névhez, ha az eredeti domain...
Română Am hotărât că e mai înțelept să păstrăm și domeniul În concluzie, domeniile noastre sunt și
BEP12 implementation We have decided it's wiser to also keep the domain. Meaning that our domains are and...
Átköltöztünk Ezentúl itt találod meg az oldalt:
Ca sa evitamă viitoarele posibile neplăceri, și să fim cu un pas în față, am decis să adăugăm să migrăm totul pe un domeniu nou
Domain seizure We'd like to offer you more details regarding the seising of the .ro domain, however we do not have any. We know as much as anyone...
Google Translation: Change of URL We will change the address of the tracker at the end of May 2020. The new address is:...
Site has moved to a new domain:
As it seems, the site's domain has been seized by USA authorities.
Domain is down. Domain is up.
Website's domain name seems to have expired. Probably, the site's admin has forgot to pay the bills. Not the first time, really.
Website is offline for the past 2 hours. RED's domain name seems to have expired.