Server is down for maintenance .
Tracker is Offline.[Server is down for maintenance .]
Tracker is Offline.[Web server is down]
Site is down for maintenance, please check back again later.
Apparently the site is down during the last days, due to DDoS attack.
Reddit Post - IRC Update Official Update: K* made his offer and SysOp did not reply. I believe SysOp has closed down ADC. Do not be too harsh...
Tracker offline.
Hi Everyone, I do hope you read this as I feel we have a problem. Over the past year the amount of people downloading books from our site has...
Site is down for a few days
Site and tracker are down. Staff are aware of it and working to bring things back online.
The site is down due to database errors.
Downtime due to server errors.
The site keeps going up and down in the last hours, as its server shows instability issues.
Torrent Announcer is offline.
Temporarily down for maintenance! The hamsters powering our server are taking a break. They should be back in couple of minutes.
From the site's IRC: "Site down: Issue at the datacenter level"
Google Translation: Site will be back as soon as the maintenance work has been done with your system's Server by the hosting provider, it will...
2012-11-15 - DownSzerverteremben volt egy kis probléma, ezért nem volt elérhető az oldal a mai nap folyamán. update: Ismét problémákba ütköztünk,...
Dear members, We are having some issues with our Auto-Uploader. We are trying to solve these issues asap! Thank you for your patience. Staff
Auto-Uploader temporarily down. - 2010-10-27 The auto-uploader is temporarily down. It should be back up soon and everything will be back to normal.