TP Summit 2016 - Preparations: You are right, TP Summit 2016 is on its way. Do your move now, don't regret later Hello everybody, we see TP...
We've been having some network issues for the last couple of days due to some malicious attacks. BS servers are now more equipped to deal with...
IP banned messages: Some members may be getting IP banned messages, which relate to an IP that is not yours. This may be a CloudFlare issue (the...
Return Celebration #1: FREELEECH! Posted 1 hour, 2 minutes ago As a welcome back gift, we are having a 72 hour freeleech on all existing retail...
ANONAMOUSE PLEDGE TO HELP DONATIONS! Hey all, Since we have not reached our goal for the last 2 months one of our AMAZING members has stepped up...
This is just a very short note from me, the owner. This site has become so much more than I ever anticipated, due only to the unfailing and...
New search is currently on beta at You can view the guide about the updated search Please post all...
Avatar Problem + Awards Voting If your Avatar is gone, be aware that currently there is a bug in the system preventing you from resetting it - it...
Sziasztok. A húsvéti játék után karácsonyra is készültünk Nektek egy kis meglepetéssel. Nyuszi és tojás helyett most karácsonyfát és rénszarvast...
This news was posted in SciHD homepage about 7 hours ago. Quote: Happy Holidays and Bot Talk It has been fairly quiet here this month of...
EyeSight Excellence Quote: Vision improvement is experienced in many ways. Your belief about your eyesight, the stress levels in your life, the...
Gnomon Workshop Subscription GB - great Visual Effects tutorials! Quote: This GB is for a FULL subscription for everything Gnomon Workshop...
EyeSight Excellence Vision improvement is experienced in many ways. Your belief about your eyesight, the stress levels in your life, the...
Gnomon Workshop Subscription GB - great Visual Effects tutorials! This GB is for a FULL subscription for everything Gnomon Workshop offers....
108 legalább 360 napja inaktív felhasználó törölve. P*
Hi All Unfortunately ebooks-heaven is closing due to lack of funds and donations. Thank you to everyone who has supported us over the last few...
ebooks-heaven is closing Quote: Hi all I regret to have to tell you that despite numerous promises the last time we were in financial difficulty,...
Walkabouts: Listen to Paraliminals While Exercising Paraliminals are a technology developed by Paul Scheele at Learning Strategies, which uses...
site back on again Quote: Aaaaand, we're back! So, good news and bad news! First of all, we're very sorry for the downtime in the past week....
Bitgamer hacked Quote: We know that a lot of our members are also members on other sites. Just to let you know was compromised again...
AMNESTY 2015, INVITES, AND INACTIVE ACCOUNTS One of our most important rules at 32Pages forbids the buying and selling of accounts and invites....
Nov-06-15 - 2015 Xmas Banner Competition The competition has started and will be running for the whole of November. Check out the Competition...
Inaktív felhasználók törlése (2015-11-18 01:53:26) 52, legalább 1 éve inaktív felhasználó törölve. P*
Az oldalt kiszolgáló szerveren volt egy kis technikai gond az egyik adattárolóval. Úgy tűnik, hogy sikerült a problémát orvosolni. További jó...
Tudunk a technikai problémáról, dolgozunk az ügyön.