Könyvespolc Gasztronómia [IMG] 2013.06.25 - 2013.07.13 [IMG]
July is Newspaper Month at STP We have decided to take the month of July to focus on NEWSPAPERS. We have done a great job as a community...
Summer has officially hit at ScienceHD, while many of us hide indoors to prevent melting. The air conditioner helps a lot, but so far, we can't...
Be sure to use your invites while you have them on QUALITY members! Remember you ARE responsible for ANYONE you invite, which means if they act in...
Hírek,információk az oldalról
SEEDING REQUIREMENT MODIFICATIONS Beginning July 15, 2013 there will be some changes to the seeding rules of MyAnonamouse. The current rule reads:...
LATEST UPDATES AND HOW THEY WORK Heya all you wonderful mice!! Myanonamouse has been going through some major upgrades in the last few weeks...
For those who are still unaware, our IRC channel is available at irc.bitspyder.net (from your IRC client) channel: #bitspyder. You can also access...
Just want to let everyone know that every user in good standing has received invites to give to their close friends and family. Please use...
Gyászol az írók világa - Meghalt Iain M. Banks skót író. Első művét, a Darázsgyárat (1984) az Independent napilap olvasói szavazásán a "Világ 100...
Science Contest Over The science.contest is officially over The contest is now over and we are very grateful to all those who...
Még mindig nagyon jó oldal LibraNet és láthatóan fejlődik az oldal közel volt már a 100 ezer kapcsolathoz a peer az oldalon 16 ezer ebookal. Csak...
Upload Rules This is a friendly reminder to all of our members, new and old users: please do read the Upload Rules, before uploading anything to...
Könyvespolc Minden, ami magazin! [IMG] 2013.05.31 - 2013.06.22. [IMG]
2013-06-02 TLP rendszer felfüggesztése 2013.08.01-ig A TLP pontrendszerrel járó korlátozásokat felfüggesztjük a nyári időszakra. Ez azt...
2013-05-30 Figyelem! Mától (2013.05.30.) tilos feltölteni a Szega Books Kft. kiadványait. LibraNet Team
2013-05-24 Látjuk! Látjuk a hibát, dolgozunk rajta! Frissítés: A fő működés helyre lett állítva, a hibabejelentéseket figyeljük, ha valahol...
Info about potential email First of all, the Sr Staff would like to apologize for some of our members being dragged into this unfortunate...
It's TIME [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] JUMP IN HERE: http://theshow.bz/forums.php?action=viewforum&forumid=4 [IMG] What ARE...
See our new Free Leech Staff Picks! Starting June 1st uTorrent versions 3.2.3 and higher will be banned from our tracker.
Two new features being introduced are still in the alpha phase, but available to you are a donation meter and a new darker theme....
Manual and Article Rule Revisions We have released some rule changes for Manuals and Articles. Manuals: We have clarified what...
"I'm gonna make YOU an offer YOU can't refuse." [IMG] PRESENTS Something Shocking This Way Comes... Keep Your Eyes Peeled This Monday!...
2013-05-13 Kisebb fejlesztések Kedves LibraNet Tagok! Az oldalon kisebb fejlesztések történtek, amelyek remélhetőleg segítik sokatok életét,...
Recent changes to MyAM: An explanation To all our fantastic Mice, There have been a lot of assumptions and rumors going around about what...
Könyvespolc Tudományos Szakkönyvek [IMG] 2013.05.08. - 2013.05.29. [IMG]
Science Contest and 1000 Users We have 1000+ users! Thank you to all of you for being members of the site. As a thank you, all...
Kis bővülés, kis szabálymódosítás A korábban már megvitatott téma ("Merre tovább") hatására az oldalon Május 7-e este 10-ig freereg van. Az oldal...