As of April 30th, 2013, will no longer be receiving the donations from WU or Flattr. With the site store accepting Paypal, they...
Science Contest and 1000 Users We have 1000+ users! Thank you to all of you for being members of the site. As a thank you, all...
2013-04-23 Merre tovább? Mint azt többen észrevehettétek, az oldal aktivitásában szép lassan növekedik. Bevezettük a rendszert, hogy időnként...
502 Errors As many of us have observed, 502 errors have become increasingly common when trying to navigate the site, and it has been...
Happy Birthday ScienceHD Well, yet again, we've found ourselves with another year gone by. It's been four great years since the idea for this...
Seedbox Users can now seed from home as well! Seedbox users that have a static seedbox ip set by a staff member (visible in your user details...
Könyvespolc Sci-fi [IMG] 2013.04.12. - 2013.05.05 [IMG]
Fault On Site The Server is down at the moment, and it is being worked on, please bear with us and we will be back as soon as we can
quiz hi all to celebrate ebooks heavens first birthday this week, our quiz will be themed around birthdays and the easter period that we had last...
Guess the Book / Author Competition We have a competion, in the forums, guess the book /author, this will run for 4 weeks, a clue being given...
Rule changes for Journals Rule changes for Journals Since going live, we have realized that our journal...
Anniversary free leech On 4th April ebooks-heaven has been online for a year. To celebrate this all torrents will be free leech for two weeks....
HAPPY EASTER! HAPPY EASTER to all our members who celebrate this day, which is tomorrow! Hope you have a great one! Olga needs to send a...
Kellemes Húsvéti Ünnepeket! Happy Easter! / Frohe Ostern! / !Felices Pascuas! / Joyeuses Pâques! Hyvää pääsiäistä! / ? ?????????? ?????! / ??...
2013-03-27 Kellemes Húsvéti Ünnepeket! Happy Easter! / Frohe Ostern! / !Felices Pascuas! / Joyeuses Pâques! Hyvää pääsiäistä! / С праздником...
Spotlight on Business [IMG] This week we're shining the spotlight on the business side of life. So be sure to check our Business and...
OOPS! :) OOPS! The dingbat quizmaster didn't realize Easter is THIS weekend! Soooo.....NO QUIZ this weekend! The Boo Baby Bunch invites you...
New Theme We now have a new theme, Pink. to view or change themes goto UserCP/Manage Settings/Edit Theme and Language
Könyvespolc Nyelvkönyvek [IMG] 2013.03.21. - 2013.04.06. (X*) Itt kérhetsz Te is!
2013-03-23 Nincs is hír :) Első lépésben szeretnénk megköszönni mindenkinek a támogatását! Továbbra is számítunk Rátok, hiszen ez segíti az...
QUIZ CANCELLED Quiz is cancelled this Sunday, guys ...BUT.....the Boo Baby Bunch wants to extend an invitation to join the quiz the FOLLOWING...
We're Live We're live! That's right. STP is no longer in beta. We've been in beta for a while, but now we're opening up to a wider... St. Patrick's Day Weekend! [IMG] [IMG] Happy St. Patrick's Day! [IMG] To celebrate St. Patrick's Day weekend, has...
2013-03-11 Szabálymódosítás és reklám Többek kérésének megfelelően módosítottuk a szabályzat IV/2 és IV/3 pontjait. Röviden: moderátori...
OH NO!!! NOT AGAIN!!!! :) uess what day it is tomorrow! [IMG] Hope a lot of yous can make it! All get points (but Jamescox...he was trying...
RFS Theatre + More! [IMG] [IMG] For our first movie... Blade Runner! [IMG] Find a copy, watch it, and then come here and join your...
Whitelist updated We've updated the whitelist to include a number of new clients--our list now matches's, so you should be good to...
2013-03-06 Olvass egy E-könyvet hét Március 3. és 9. között kerül megrendezésre idén kanadai kezdeményezésre ez az akció, amelyhez az Egyesülés...
Könyvespolc Minden, ami történelem [IMG] 2013.03.03. - 2013.03.17. (N*, m*) Itt kérhetsz Te is!