Happy Holidays! [Romanian] May the feast of the birth of Jesus bring you all the best in the world, much love, happiness and prosperity. FileList...
Google Translation: Happy Birthday Romania! For many years Romanians, for many years Romania! 1918-2018 You may add you wishes here
Global freeleech is active
Black Friday Event 16 November - 23 November: Global FreeLeech. Take what you like and want and seed it to gain FLCoins. 23 November - 30...
Google translate: Filelist is the most beautiful place Because the Filelist team appreciates users' loyalty, we decided to award the most...
La mulți ani, FileList! [IMG] [Română] A mai trecut un an de zile. 11 ani. De 11 ani împreună pe FileList. Am clădit împreună o comunitate...
[Română] A mai trecut un an de zile. 11 ani. De 11 ani împreună pe FileList. Am clădit împreună o comunitate puternică și dorim, în continuare, să...
Everything is up and running now, all services should work as intended. We have activated global freeleech as a way of saying sorry for this...
[Română] Am revenit dar inca lucram la site si la repornirea tuturor serviciilor. Revenim cu anunt cand totul este functional. Va multumim pentru...
Although there's no official info at the moment, the word on Romanian forums is that it seems to be a DDoS attack on the tracker. Let's wait and see.
*Google Translated:* On the occasion of the Russian Football World Cup 2018, we are organizing a competition where users are invited to guess the...
Some of you may have noticed the maintenance mode earlier today. We have made some hardware and software upgrades. Everything seems stable for now...
Because the latest version of BitTorrent is bad for our users and doesn't work even though it is whitelisted we won't whitelist any new versions...
(Update) PlayHD & playSD recruits Encoders wanted! If you are able to follow this tutorial Code:...
Translated using google translate : Recruitments for playHD & playSD Encoders wanted! For more details, click on logos or here. Original Text...
In recent days, vulnerabilities have been discovered in uTorrent versions. Older versions of utorrent 2.2.1 and 2.0.4 are affected differently...
[Română] Am activat astăzi donațiile prin altcoins (Litecoin, Ethereum, ZCash, Monero etc). Din cauză că taxele pentru a trimite Bitcoin au...
[IMG] "FileList team wants to wish you happy holidays! These are those moments of the year when we want to be surrounded by family and loved ones,...
[IMG] [IMG] Románia Nemzeti ünnepe! (Nekünk nem annyira)
Black Friday! [IMG] https://filelist.ro/shop.php Enjoy! [Română] PS: Nu uitați că se va activa și noul sistem de ștergere a codurilor de...
22.11.2017 edit: There have been small changes and optimizations done tonight at the server. Temporarily, because we have already ordered a new...
Small problems with the server ... After having gone for so many months, with 100% uptime, he said he wanted some hours of leave. The world at...
[Română] Acum 1 an şi câteva luni am introdus noul sistem de invitaţii, sistem bazat pe cod de invitaţie. În acest moment există 104.496 de coduri...
A little over a year ago we introduced our new invitation system, based on an invitation code. At the present time, we have 104.496 unused codes...
[English] A little over a year ago we introduced our new invitation system, based on an invitation code. At the present time, we have 104.496...
[Română] În ultima săptămână ne-ați tot cerut o categorie 4K/UHD. Am creat trei categorii 4K, după cum urmează: Filme 4K -...