Momentan avem ceva probleme tehnice, care duc la imposibilitatea descărcării de pe tracker, probleme ce se vor rezolva cât de curând posibil. Ne...
Ever since it was removed limit of 150 characters per comment and the 1 FLC noticed a tendency for users to call the forum spamming and get your...
Encoders wanted!
Today marks three years since 'mystery' our fearless leader has left us. To commemorate it properly, all torrents from this day will befreeleech....
Astăzi se împlinesc 3 ani de când mystery, liderul nostru neînfricat, a plecat dintre noi. Ca să îl comemorăm aşa cum se cuvine, toate torrentele...
I want to thank everyone for the patience you have shown with us, everything works flawlessly now. We hope not to be problems but nothing is...
Vreau sa multumesc tuturor pentru rabdarea de care ati dat dovada alaturi de noi, totul merge impecabil acum. Speram sa nu mai fie probleme dar...
Ne cerem scuze pentru apariția erorilor 502 din această seară și ieri seară, aveți și motivul mai jos. După cum probabil că ați constant, am...
We apologize for the errors 502 tonight and last night you why below. As you probably constantly wiped and poll. Some have probably managed to...
We apologize for the downtime, there were some problems in datacenter networking. Nothing serious, but it not depended on us, all we could do was...
Now you can see your statistics in real time on seedbonus system. I improved a bit everything and because we always listened to what we wanted...
After some changes made to IRC bot (System) now idle points are awarded as follows: * Default: 0.034 FLC / 5 minutes * Addict: 0.042 FLC / 5...
FLCoins bonus for seeding torrents kept recalling previous announcement that we reward users who keep seeding torrents, so I started the reward...
FLCoins bonus pentru torrentele tinute la seed Aminteam in anuntul anterior ca vom recompensa userii care tin torrentele la seed, asa ca am...
PS : This ad is only for snatchlist, we will do an announcement on seed points . PS2 : Those who are at low speeds seeding but do not have...
Dear and dear users, with joy (or sorrow for some) for improvements to come will know that I worked snatchlist site. What does this mean? We can...
After some changes made to IRC bot (System) now idle points are awarded as follows: * Default: 0.17 / 5 minutes * Addict: 0.19 / 5 minutes * VIP:...
Solves problems with the confirmation mail. So if you want to change/confirm your e-mail, now you can do, but you will need to place a new request...
Applications for upload rank was reset, so if you applied in the past and been denied, you have a chance now.. Apply here!...
The tracker was removed from public announce list and everything returned to normal. If you find something wrong, please contact a member of...
2015-04-07 We are sorry that it went right through our mind, but we should have specified the fact that we have temporarily added "demonii",...
If you download some materials,the upload and download it will not count at all or only partially.. So if you want to download something just for...
Please be patient, do not open topics like "unable to download", still working on the problem! Everything will be back to normal soon!
Se încearcă remedierea problemelor în acest weekend, dar nu promitem nimic. Google Translate: Attempting to remedy the problems this weekend,...
Întâmpinăm niște probleme tehnice, ne cerem scuze pentru eventualele neplăceri cauzate și vă rugăm să aveți răbdare, acestea se vor remedia în cel...