All the staff at Oscar World are Wishing you a Happy 2019 [IMG]
Google Translation: [IMG]
Google Translation: Happy new year and a good new year for the whole staff Thank you for making this possible for us !! - J*******
Google Translation: The TSH team wishes everyone a happy new year. Happy New Year 2019 And thank all users, uploaders, releasers, partners...
[IMG] [Română] Fie ca sărbătoarea nașterii Domnului Iisus să vă aducă tot ce-i mai bun pe lume, multă iubire, fericire şi prosperitate....
Happy New Year 2019!!! Dear friends, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2019! Wishing you all the best for this New Year, Let...
Happy New Year [IMG]
Happy New Year Happy New Year To one and all We have put site to open too for all members to upload We have done this so all our members can...
Merry XMAS & Happy New Year! Merry XMAS & Happy New Year! Love, joy and peace are the ingredients for a wonderful Christmas. We hope you find...
Google Translation: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! The light of Jesus' birth extends from one house to another, from one heart to another,...
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year We at HD4FREE and LEGi0N would like to wish all our members a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New year
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! As teased before, we were preparing something special for you all, this year. We are preparing to close a...
Happy new year ENJOY Sitewide FREELEECH, 3X SEEDBONUS. Donors can avail upto 2x benefits. - till April 21,11.59pm Download more. Seed even more....
2018.02.15 - 祝全体HDSky会员2018新春快乐 全站免费6天! 祝HDSky全体会员在新的一年里万事如意!!! 祝愿大家在HDSky分享更多精彩,收获更多快乐!!! 愿我们共同的天空家园更加和谐美丽! 全站开启6天免费,结束时间为2018-02-21 23:59:00...
在新的一年HDU管理组祝大家狗年旺旺、身体健康、阖家幸福 全站站免至初五 春节魔力领取专贴: http://pt.upxin.net/forums.php?actio...1&topicid=1910 In the new year, the HDU Management Team...
While most of the globe is still counting down hours and minutes till the New Year, a part already went ahead and stepped into 2018. so I'm going...
Hi All , :) We would like to wish you all a very happy new year! Also thank you for such a great 2017. You guys make this community fun . :)...
Happy New Year 2018 everyone! Festivities have begun around the world as we with open arms get ready to embrace another 365 days for us to enjoy....
To All Members [IMG] From All The Staff At Zoom
Merry Christmas and a Happy new year! Pirate Ships (sung to the tune of "Jingle Bells") We're dashing through the seas, in a two-mast pirate...
Hello. Since the Xmas is coming we have decided to open the sign ups. Invites are disabled, you will see them when we close the sign ups... Dont...
2012-01-01 - HAPPY NEW YEAR The site and Staff would like to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR. We would like to also thank everyone for making...