PayPal Errors - Added by Wkao If you have an issue donating to the site, donate too than send me a PM, And I shall...
关于站点右下角是否布设320*270CPV广告 网站开设以来,基本无任何资源来源,虽然说开通了捐赠通道,但你们懂的,现在基本很少人敢捐赠了,所以网站 想以广告来填充网站资源漏洞,如果效果不错,将关闭捐赠通道! VIP及以上人员可以设置关闭广告!...
Are you happy with the current rules for seeding? Current rules for seeding: "Minimum seeding time is 48hrs or a 1:1 ratio." Is 48 hours too...
Hello everyone, We have a fair number of dead torrents. I would like to attempt to revive them. I am offering 2000 bonus points for every torrent...
网站今晚6点进行维护,请大家周知! 网站由于功能升级,今晚6点进行维护,周知! 6:00 tonight website maintenance, please known! As the function of the site upgrade, 6:00 tonight for...
网站维护完成!开启全站免费模式7天,开放邀请注册到4月5日 本次维护主要增加了IPV6与SSL支持,为网站更换了更好的访问速度更快的节点,增加了CDN加速,还有 众多的网站BUG! 感谢众多会员的一路支持,有您我们更有动力!...
Please vote on your favorite Forum icon set HERE!
HDArea捐赠细则及奖励方案 站点开设以来,就一直有热心会员在询问捐赠事宜,现统一公布 捐赠细则及奖励方案如下: 1、现金捐款。 无论您捐赠多少,都是对我们莫大的鼓励,对于每一位捐款支持网站发展的会员,我们都表示最真诚的感谢!捐款 细则如下: 一次性捐款小于20美元,奖励...
网站已安装ssl,移动用户请用https访问下载! 如题,红种不能下载的用户请将种子tracker地址改为https Web site has been installed ssl, mobile users, please use https access to download!...
由于刚维护完成,邮件服务器没有配置,所以暂时关闭了邮件验证,大家可以正常注册! 但严禁小号,一经查出,直接封IP,请想注册小号的三思! Translate Because just maintenance is completed, the mail server is not...
Hello fellow HDA members, We would like to remind you that we have an active contest on the forums and have some excellent prizes that you can...
- 全站 2xFree两天,开放注册2天,截止到3月17号0时! 由于服务器维护,给广大会员造成了麻烦,所以2天2xFree补偿! 由于有极小可能有极少会员账号(一般应该不会出现)消失等情况,所以开放注册2天,请消失帐号的朋友再次注 册,然后在论坛投诉区说明相关问题! Google...
NEW FIRST LINE SUPPORT WANTED! HDAccess is need of a couple more people to support all member's questions and problems that staff members do not...
HDAccess :: News Quote: We have a new contest! Please check HERE
We have a new contest! Please login and check it HERE! It's time for a new contest! This time we made a contest for forum icons, we have...
PT站本就是一个大家来共同经营的地方,不是我们一人或几个能够办起来的,靠的都是会员的支持。但是有部分 会员的行为与这些是非常相悖的,之前也注意到相关情况了,今天有会员提出来了,就此来说一下! 任何一个新站,起步不久的站,无论是会员还是资源都是比较少的,而且真正在这里下载的会员更少,所以在客观...
Effective immediately µTorrent 3.4.2 is added to the banned clients list. It appears as they have bundled Bitcoin mining software with this version.
HDAccess :: News Quote: Update on Invites: Only Extreme Users or higher can use their invites.
Update on Invites: Only Extreme Users or higher can use their invites.
得悉有许多人对本站有一定需求,本将将于3月8号限时开放注册一天,今后基本将不再开放注册, 忘把握机会! 招聘: 技术 发布员 压制员 原盘DIY 字幕员 酱油勿扰!!! 点我报名 Many people are aware that there is a certain demand...
Today, 03:42 am - Read to all! - Added by Wkao Any torrent without proper info eg BDInfo or screenshots shall be deleted whether it has 100...
Rules have been updated. We have added to Uploading rules and added Torrent Comment + Requests rules. Please take the time to review them.
HDAccess :: News Quote: HDABot Avatar Competition Winners The competition is over and the votes are in. Thank you to all who participated....
New Server Donations have been up and we decided to invest the funds towards upgrading the site server. The site will be migrated to the new...
New Theme - Added We have added a new theme and changed user class colors to work on both stylesheets. To select the new theme we have added a...
HDAccess :: News Quote: CONTEST: Don't forget to check forum for our active contest, don't hesitate to take our prizes! * HDABot Avatar...
Contest! Don't forget to check forum for our active contest, don't hesitate to take our prizes! * HDABot Avatar Competition! * HDA Userbars Contest!
Get Adopted? Ladies, and gents.. Ladyboys and boygirls welcome to the HDAccess Orphanage. So this is how this shall work. You post who you want...
Today, 07:31 pm - New Request Feature Have a request that is not being filled? You can now motivate uploaders by offering extra Seedbonus points...
We have added a second shoutbox for Non-English users. You can find it HERE and there is a link on main Shoutbox as well!