Objective: Create an 1 year anniversary-themed banner for HDArea Requirements: Must contain anniversary-themed element. Banner must be in .PNG...
2015 is over, greeted us new year, there may be a lot of people immersed in passing in 2015, there is joy, there is sadness, there is also pain,...
issue with can't receive invitation If your friends having to trouble receive invitation. You can send them the hash link to register. You can...
2015.12.26 - Some explanations and future plans 1. Before the completion of the first novice of members to ensure an open examination before...
Users that did registered earlier and did see Newbie assessment on your account and you don't want to take the assessment please reply: I WANT TO...
Tracker is down for maintenance... We'll be back soon.
新手考核系统已制作完毕,为确保平稳上线并打造人性化体验,现开启公测模式。 请感兴趣的朋友在下方链接中回帖,稍后将手动开启考核状态。对完成考核测试的朋友将会有丰厚奖 励! 在测试过程中如果有任何回报或对系统有良好建议,欢迎提出! 报名及更多详情请点击这里: Interested in...
An innovative section - Statistics Center is released, where you can see detailed history of statistics. All statistical data is illustrated in...
创新发布了用户数据统计中心,在这里你可以看到详尽完善的历史统计数据,这些数据以美观的图表显示,非常直 观易于查阅。你可以看到最近30天内的详情,也能看到长达24个月的月度数据,这些可以帮助用户更好地进行...
Translation: Donation rules and incentive schemes are implemented 2016-1-1: (VIP Download excluding downloads 2016-1-1) 1, cash donations. No...
Recruitment for Helpers & Seeders We're recruiting "Seeder" for seeding HDArea、EPiC、HDATV、DIY@HDArea. The requirements of Seeder: 1.Owning a big...
曾经就有不少会员在不同渠道提到考核的事,好吧现在考核可能真的要来了。 然而为什么要考核,考核的利弊是什么,这可能也是一部分人心中的疑问。从站点的角度出发,想必大家也可以看 到,在经历过几次开放注册后,有相当比例的账号由于无任何流量被系统自动删除了,此外还有一批有少许流量但...
EPiC Encoder Recruiting Requirements: 1, I7 CPU for the desktop level and above; 2, download 10M (1M / S) and upload 4M (400KB / S) or more;...
关于对H&R警告的说明及种子评论区规范说明 一、H&R警告的说明 本站本身是没有此项规则的,但是由于免费较多,使很多会员完全无上传压力,下完就跑现像非常严重,经常看到 ,有些资源,出种一个跑一个,造成资源断种,因此特对相关下完就跑的人制定相关规则,多次违反的,将会封禁 账号。...
"网站维护完成,重点提升了,站点更好的连接性,让每名会员都能以飞一般的速度访问本站。 如果还是有相关访问的问题,欢迎随时到论坛提交信息给我们,以便我们进一步优化! 网站临时全站免费一天!" Website maintenance is complete, the focus has...
Quote: 站点将在今天9月13号0时进行维护,预计2个小时左右!周知 Translate Quote: The site will be maintained in at 0:00 on September 13 today, it is expected to two hours...
9.1---9.10全站免费及开放注册!The site will be open from 9.1 to 9.10 开学狂欢周~~~尽情狂欢吧! Translation 9.1 9.10 Total Station --- free and open for registration!...
Upcoming Release Function 现规定预告区仅供官方或原创资源使用,非以上范畴的预告将会被删除,敬请悉知! 官方资源是指带有HDArea、EPiC后缀的资源,原创资源是指在HDArea首发的个人原 创。 Upcoming Release Function is for...
重磅更新袭来!业内首创资源预告系统!专为发布者及用户良心打造! 发布者可以在资源正式发布前提交预告,这段期间可以充分集聚人气,预热待发布资源。 至此发布者可以更有计划的安排发布任务,提升发布品质突出资源特色。 对于用户而言,可以预约感兴趣的资源,待资源正式发布后将会收到通知提醒。...
招募压制与字幕人员若干 1、 建站以来,本站内部组EPiC为广大会员奉献了大量的精品资源,EPiC也总是第一时间压制最新的各类视频 资源,不说最快,但至少不慢,一直不曾停歇,但是小组人员较少等问题,造成了个别人员承担压制任务过多,有...
It is beginning to look like its turning into CHD! For English users: All seedbox users please register your seedbox details in this post....
Translation- Website provisional registration three days to open at 0:00 on July 17 / The site will be open for 3 days The open registration,...
由于众所周知的原因,可能本站不再适合存在于国内,可能交由外籍人员打理,未来可能全面英语化,完完全全的 外站,主要管理层也由外籍人员担任。请大家现在不要到处问为什么是英文了,不能变中文了的问题 。...
Currently, the new development of IMDb and watercress score display feature is on the line, which provides more reference to download , and...