Tomorrow (June 15) is a low-profile administrator 27-year-old birthday. In order to thank him for his contribution and support to this site, open...
ChineseRecently, the site of the core management group on the account to conduct a comprehensive inspection, basically has identified the Taobao...
New H&R rules update H&R rules H&R rules only apply to Korean and Japanese resources. A torrent with H&R flag need to seed for 336 hours in 60...
No mail to Microsoft email addresses - 2017-05-03 Currently our emails are being rejected by Microsoft for a yet unknown reason. We are working...
1. Invitation System is permitted to User. Each of our members whose level above Peasant will get three time-limited invites which are only valid...
Do not invite people from unsollicited invite requests! - 2017-04-19 A reminder to only invite people whom you know and trust. People who...
Server/VPN whitelist In addition we would like to remind you that soon (most likely this weekend) the personal server/VPN IP whitelists will be...
Changes to audio rules Due to popular demand we have decided to amend our rules as they relate to (main) audio streams in remuxes and internal...
Server/seedbox/VPN detection In relation to the news about account security, we've also been revamping the way we detect seedboxes. This change...
Increasing account security - 2017-03-24 Due to a seemingly increasing amount of hacked accounts, we've been forced to take countermeasures. We...
full stop Free & amp; open enrollment notice Recent site because the server and code reasons, the inconvenience caused to you, HDH Management...
服务器维护通知 我们将于明天(3月19日)上午对服务器进行维护,在此期间请勿上传种子,以免数据统计出错。 周知! Quote: Server maintenance notification We will maintain the server...
服务器维护公告 本站将于近期对服务器硬件和程序代码进行升级维护工作,以解决网站目前的各种bug,维护时间 预计12-48小时之内完成,如果遇到网站打不开,无法登陆以及红种等均属正常。请大家悉知。 Quote: Server maintenance...
open registration and other information 1. Site with immediate effect temporary open registration closed until further notice. 2. Recruitment...
Hy there, guys! With large contribution of asdfgh, you can find New collages to subscribe! Also, feel free to add new collages or edit the...
全站Free以及开放注册。 时间2017/01/26 20点 - 2017/02/01 20点 祝大家新春愉快!鸡祥如意! Quote: Free and open registration. Time 2017/01/26 20 points...
为了迎接2017年的到来,本站决定全站免费并且开放注册3天,时间为: 2016/12/31 00:00到2017/1/3 0:00 欢迎大家相互转告! Quote: In order to meet the arrival of 2017, the...
Hello there! If you're reading this, we just wanted to wish you, our loyal users, a Happy New Year! Also, please enjoy some of our finest...
即日起,本站招募DIY,转载发布员,资源分流员(仅限墙外人员),重编码,录制等人员。 只要你喜欢高清,我们真诚的欢迎你加入,见证HDH成长。 HDH人才招募计划Q群:218654937,禁止无意向人员加入。 Google Translation: With immediate...
为庆祝本站成立2周年,本站将开放注册三天和全站Free三天。 具体时间为: 2016/12/01 18点30分 至 2016/12/04 18点30分 请大家相互转告! Quote: To celebrate the...
It's time for a new round of donations again to beef up our infra and pay running bills. We regularly receive messages from users with a low ratio...
Google Translation: Previous recoding works (including 720p 1080p iPad) because handling reasons, will be completed after pressing somewhat...
From site's IRC, withheld usernames: Quote: (@REDACTED) REDACTED is making sure we're protected so what happened at what doesn't happen to us at...
We have some new contests, check our forum for more details. We hope that you will like them and while you could gain some upload for yourselves...
消息五则 1.开放注册。 关闭时间不定,欢迎相互转告。 2.周末自由发布开启。 允许所有用户组在周末自由发布种子子(从周六12:00到周日23:59),但是发布时应符合我们的要求, 如果不符合要求,我们会不在通知的情况下删除你的种子。...
消息四则 1.本站招募美术一名。 要求能较熟练的使用作图软件,有一定的作图基础。一经录用,即加入本站管理组。 有意向的咨询管理组: 2.本站标明禁止转载与独家资源的种子,再次重申,请勿任何形式的转载。...
Password change As a preventative security measure we have decided to force a password change on our entire userbase. We will do this regularly...
最近由于开放注册,有些会员想通过捐赠通过新人考核,在此我们提醒:必须捐赠200元RMB以上方可通过考 核,低于200RMB的我们无法给予数据上的奖励,谢谢大家的理解!...
Some Maintenance - 2016-05-03 Next friday starting around 17:30 GMT (lets say beginning of the European evening) This Thursday around 0600 GMT...
Invites - 2016-04-05 Just a very firm reminder. Invites that you give out are your responsibility. What does that mean? Basically, you are...