Leaking our internal uploads, auto-downloading everything - 2016-04-04 This is a reminder news because too many people ignore our rules or abuse...
2016.03.27 - 网站最新消息 Quote: 1. 本站预计于2016年4月1日18:00至2016年4月3日18:00开放注册三天,请大家 相互转告。 2. 找回密码邮件收不到的会员请给我们发送邮件,详情:...
2016.02.05 - 公告 Quote: 1. The site is open for register on February 6, 2016 18:00:00 until February 10, 2016 18:00:00. Duplicate register is...
Server migration - 2016-01-27 Today at around 22:00 UTC, the website and tracker will be taken down because we'll be migrating our 2009 server to...
Minor maintenance - 2016-01-30 This Saturday somewhere between 13:00 and 14:00 GMT (14-15 CET, 8-9 EST) there will be another maintenance round....
Bitcoin donations - 2016-01-14 We're pleased to announce that from now on we'll be accepting Bitcoin donations. We hope that in time they would...
1. We will be open register 4 days from Beijing time 18:00 December 30th 2015 to 18:00 on January 2, 2016, at the same time whole site downloading...
[warning] Unsolicited invite requests - 2015-12-19 We've been made aware that someone is PM'ing some of our members, asking for invites. Whilst...
Below is the email going around. Titled HDBITS.org Hey buddy ! How are you ? I'm sorry for the trouble...I hope you don't mind I'm asking... I...
Show/Hide 2015.11.29 - 人员招募 / Staff Recruitment 一 HDH重编码小组招募人员,欢迎重编码高手加入我们。 对于新人,如果有意加入,我们会进行培训,切记不可三天打鱼两天晒网,并且没有任何金钱上的奖励,我们的乐 趣在于分享,请考虑后在加入HDH。...
bitgamer hack - 2015-11-26 Recently we've become aware that bitgamer.ch had been compromised again, or still was. We've also come to know that...
Free Leech over - 2015-11-23 Just a reminder, our longest FL event ever is now over! It was enabled for 10 days straight. We hope that everyone...
11.24 is the first anniversary of the site, in order to celebrate this moment, the management group decided to: 1. Full site 2xfree. Specific time...
2015.11.21 - 重要通知 / notification 11.24是本站开站一周年纪念日,为了迎接这个时刻,管理组决定: 1. 全站2xfree。 具体时间为十一月二十四日零时至十一月二十四日二十三点五十九分,共计24小时。 2.开放注册。...
Site preparation in Beijing time 12:00~14:00 on November 16, 2015 - doing server upgrade maintenance operations. At the time might encounter...
New moderator + 10 days FL! - 2015-11-13 Just a few days ago we've had to say goodbye to 3 of our valued staffers. Fortunately, in the meantime...
1. Recently the site has been sustained DDOS attack, there may be a long time cannot open site and tracker. Encounter this situation please be...
Staff farewell - 2015-11-10 Today we have to say farewell to no less than three of our fellow HDBits staffers. Contrary to popular belief,...
HDbiger will open registration one day at 11 November.(chinese time)
Check your Antivirus/Antispam/Firewall It has been brought to our attention that some software prevent access to our tracker while allow access...
Each Member increase 5 limited time invited and two permanent invitation Limited invitation validation is one month: valid until 2015-11-03...
Apologies for the recent downtime. Our server decided to take a break without asking -- Search fixed
2015.09.08 - 網站人員招募 1.「REMUX人員」 报名:https://hdbiger.org/contactstaff.php 2.「重編碼壓制」 报名:https://hdbiger.org/contactstaff.php 3.「字幕管理人員2名」...
2015.09.06 - 對於這兩天服務器不穩定的情況 由於服務器不穩定的原因,造成許多用戶登陸異常且出現紅种情況。對於出現紅种情況不用擔心數據上傳的問題, 服務器修復后Tracker會重新接收會員軟件向客戶端發送的數據。鑑於最近處於考覈期間,我們将在201...
為慶祝我國抗戰勝利70週年,本站預計將於9月1日0時起開放註冊,屆時全站Free,為期3天,于9月4 日0時關閉註冊并恢復種子促銷,望周知。 附:本站長期招收發佈組成員,歡迎對我站有歸屬感、希望能為我站做出貢獻的PTer加入!報名傳送門:猛戳 這裡 HDBiger管理組...