Low ratio users We have decided to give a second chance to some of the low ratio users, by re-adding download rights for all users with ratio...
Client is banned If, for some reason you receive an error saying "client is banned" when you're trying to download torrents from HD-Bits,...
- [UPDATE]Invites [IMG] Added the above top 10 invites chart as of today. Go to the forums contest area or click on the following forum...
Invites Every user has received 100 invites.Please use them wisely, invite only people you trust here, you are fully responsible for...
Freeleech Since we already introduced you to the hit and run policy last week, here's the compensation: - internal releases (HDBRiSe, HDBRiGHT)...
New Seeding policy We have a new hit and run policy, so please pay attention: - as of now, we will not warn/disable anyone for hit and run -...
New Uploaders Wanted New Uploaders Wanted
Invites Invites are granted again.Please make good use of them.DO NOT invite bad users (cheaters, collectors, traders, hit and runners,...
New Guy That's right fuckers new boss in town so watch your back i will bitch the crap out of you if you dare to hit and run or mess up with...
No news :) No news means good news [IMG]
January 1st 2013 Happy new year!Freeleech is off, i hope everyone enjoyed it. [IMG] From now on, only BluRay releases (complete blurays, not...
Merry Christmas Hope everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas! Everyone received an extra invite. P.S. : --> Uploaders wanted -->...
Merry Christmas Hope everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas! Everyone received an extra invite.
You can help us manage the server cost again now because BUYING UPLOAD is available again
NEW YEARS REMINDER Two important things happen here on New Years day.... 1. Global freeleech is over, only certain files, packs and the...
Hi, We just want to let everybody know that our partners are Xirvik have made some new packages for our users, read all about it here:...
- Reminder about seeding BluRays and Packs As some of you may have noticed H&R's are no longer being tolerated around here. Warnings have been...
- Looking for staff We are looking for staff members, if you're interested, please take a look here Thank you! // HD-Bits Staff
Freeleech one day...
Freeleech/Invites/Contests Freeleech for all torrents uploaded from now until 01.01.2013 is on. If you have a low ratio, or just want to give...
1 Month freeleech 1 month freeleech for all torrents uploaded between 08.08.12 - 08.09.12.Seed like the best, or die like the rest...you know...
Re: HD-Bits.net (HDBR) Freeleech We have decided to grant freeleech again for the complete bluray section.However, be aware that one hit and run...
Re: HD-Bits.net (HDBR) Country wide ban for Bulgaria Because some users from Bulgaria have uploaded our internal HDBRiSe releases to another...
Client updates - 25/09/10 Deluge 1.3 is allowed, the newest uTorrent 2.0.4 is allowed (21586 is not banned). Upgrading from 21586 is recommended,...
News Hacked accounts - 19/09/10 It has come to our attention that several users on this site have some sort of logger on their pc which is...
News uTorrent 2.0.4 - 29/08/10 Today uTorrent 2.0.4 build 21586 was released, which fixes a tracker retry bug. All older 2.0.4 builds will be...