2017.08.17 - 关于庆祝站长喜得贵子的公告 庆祝站长喜得贵子,管理组决定全站Freeleech一周;并于8.18日零时至8.25日零时开放邀 请。即日起,邀请发放实施连坐制度,并禁止在公告场合(包括但不限于贴吧、微博等)发放邀请。连坐封禁依情...
Original Text (english interface)2017.07.02 - 域名更换安排 为配合域名更换的安排,站方将于短时间内将所有访问https://hdchina.club 的流量强行定向至 https://hdchina.org...
Dear users, unfortunately we had to fight with a server breakdown and the restoration of services in the past few weeks. This had a lot of...
AD to free the station's birthday tomorrow 11:59 I wish you a happy weekend Free leech period expires at 11.59pm(GMT+8) tomorrow(May 28).
R.I.P Roger Moore Roger Moore, the actor famous for portraying James Bond in seven "007" films between 1973 and 1985, has died after a battle with...
Google Translation: Downtime Hello HDC-Community We had on 21.04 a server failure because of the server costs were not covered. It was only a...
website next week for routine maintenance, concrete until further notice We will shut down our site for scheduled maintenance on...
We're Migrating Our Site to https://hdchina.org , Please Change the URL of your Tracker from "tracker.hdchina.club" to "tracker.hdchina.org" ASAP....
Please take note that we will enforce the decision that all invites you have would be exchanged equally to bonus points at the end of this month....
年岁过 梦里有雾深看不破 与你说 戏文中的离与合 灯花落 白蜡凝固在卷角那一折 台本合 恍然又过了惊蛰 translate.google.com Quote: Year old dreams have fog deep can not see broken And you said the...
the site as much as advertised Recently, some members of the feedback can not log on the master, and site is believed to be because the mandatory...
Fault tracing tracker Early attacks by unknown traffic technology group at the time of repair, replacement tracker version incidentally, which...
5.52pm(GMT)站点在稍早时间受不寻常流量攻击 有关tracker状态可在 zhuangtai.hdchina.club查询 此公告也会更新进展。请不要关闭任何做种客户端。 不便之处,敬请谅解。 There was a possible DDOS attack performed...
收到部分用户汇报以及综合后台统计数据,管理组发现rtorrent 0.9.6版本会向tracker汇报错误的统计数据导致部分用户被禁用和出现异常上下载量。 为避免更多用户受影响,自今日起已全面禁止对rtorrent...
关于二次验证设置的详细指南 | Guide to enable 2-Step Verification on HDChina 点击我去阅读公告详情 Click here to read the detail
高清城市祝广大市民新春愉快,阖家团圆 全市免费至 2 月 5 日。 2017 点魅力值已派送。 City-wide free leech engaged till Feb 5th. translate.google.com Quote: High-definition city I...
Announcement for the Lunar New Year 在过去的一年,HDChina的可持续发展,少不了各位会员以及站内各个工作组的支持,做种数也随着种子数 目增加而不断增长。官方录制、压制、原盘小组的发展大家亦有目共睹。...
HDChina open station since the majority of the members made positive species, is to build our website and dedication to a force. In this...
门前落青雪 葬尽旧时杨花落 门里 你唱第几折 Google Translate: Green snow falling in front of the funeral flowers do the old Yang door you sing the first few off
New Domain Name Online New address available: hdcity.city Other addresses continue to work.
If the site is difficult to access, use https://sg.hdchina.club If you there is a problem connecting tracker, tracker accordingly replaced...
We are glad to see that more and more works are created by HDChina groups. However, some exclusive works are still forwarded to other trackers or...
We apologize any inconvenience made last week. Some of the function might not operate properly. If you receive errors on HDChina, please click...
为提高用户体验,论坛服务器将于近期进行硬件更换,会员在此期间将无法登陆网站。恢复时间另行 通告。 不便之处,敬请原谅。 ====HDChina管理组==== In order to provide better experience, our server will be shut...
To celebrate crooked nine baby boy, this site is free! to 0:00 today
free as of UTC + 8 2016.04.09 zero
2016.02.17 - HDChina公告事项数则 Important Announcement Quote: 在新的一年,网站还是在基于可持续发展的情况下,将会继续为各位会员服务,提供高质高产的资源。以下是数 条公告,请各位仔细阅读:...
邀请权限开放定于2.12下午8点,开放半小时,敬请期待 The opening of invitation system will be from 8pm, 12th Feb 2016 for half an hour. Look forward to meeting our new...
邀请权限开放定于2.10下午2点,开放半小时,敬请期待 The opening of invitation system will be from 2pm, 10th Feb 2016 for half an hour. Look forward to meeting our new...
高清城市祝广大市民春节快乐!全市免费至 2 月 14 日。 City-wide free leech engaged till Feb 14. https://hdcity.top/