Please take note that we will enforce the decision that all invites you have would be exchanged equally to bonus points at the end of this month....
the site as much as advertised Recently, some members of the feedback can not log on the master, and site is believed to be because the mandatory...
Fault tracing tracker Early attacks by unknown traffic technology group at the time of repair, replacement tracker version incidentally, which...
5.52pm(GMT)站点在稍早时间受不寻常流量攻击 有关tracker状态可在 zhuangtai.hdchina.club查询 此公告也会更新进展。请不要关闭任何做种客户端。 不便之处,敬请谅解。 There was a possible DDOS attack performed...
收到部分用户汇报以及综合后台统计数据,管理组发现rtorrent 0.9.6版本会向tracker汇报错误的统计数据导致部分用户被禁用和出现异常上下载量。 为避免更多用户受影响,自今日起已全面禁止对rtorrent...
关于二次验证设置的详细指南 | Guide to enable 2-Step Verification on HDChina 点击我去阅读公告详情 Click here to read the detail
Announcement for the Lunar New Year 在过去的一年,HDChina的可持续发展,少不了各位会员以及站内各个工作组的支持,做种数也随着种子数 目增加而不断增长。官方录制、压制、原盘小组的发展大家亦有目共睹。...
HDChina open station since the majority of the members made positive species, is to build our website and dedication to a force. In this...
If the site is difficult to access, use If you there is a problem connecting tracker, tracker accordingly replaced...
We are glad to see that more and more works are created by HDChina groups. However, some exclusive works are still forwarded to other trackers or...
We apologize any inconvenience made last week. Some of the function might not operate properly. If you receive errors on HDChina, please click...
为提高用户体验,论坛服务器将于近期进行硬件更换,会员在此期间将无法登陆网站。恢复时间另行 通告。 不便之处,敬请原谅。 ====HDChina管理组==== In order to provide better experience, our server will be shut...
To celebrate crooked nine baby boy, this site is free! to 0:00 today
free as of UTC + 8 2016.04.09 zero
2016.02.17 - HDChina公告事项数则 Important Announcement Quote: 在新的一年,网站还是在基于可持续发展的情况下,将会继续为各位会员服务,提供高质高产的资源。以下是数 条公告,请各位仔细阅读:...
邀请权限开放定于2.12下午8点,开放半小时,敬请期待 The opening of invitation system will be from 8pm, 12th Feb 2016 for half an hour. Look forward to meeting our new...
邀请权限开放定于2.10下午2点,开放半小时,敬请期待 The opening of invitation system will be from 2pm, 10th Feb 2016 for half an hour. Look forward to meeting our new...
The invitation system will open from 00:00am, 8th Feb 2016 and close in half an hour.
开放邀请公告活动 在8日零点,开放邀请权限,限时半小时,在8日的0点半关闭。 下一波开放邀请敬请关注相关PM信息。 Open Invitation Announcement Events In at 0:00 on the 8th, the open invitation...
喜迎猴年,现发布公告2则: 1、本站将在2016年2月8日零时至2016年2月10日零时截止,开启free leech!!祝会员新年愉快,阖家欢乐!! 2、为感谢大家的支持,从2月8日到2月12日每天不定时有活动,请大家密切留意! ====HDChina管理组==== The...
HDChina has been return for over 3 months. In the past few months, we could see that many members return to the tracker and continue to share the...
HDChina Free leech during Christmas 圣诞狂欢,开启free leech 24小时!!圣诞快乐!! ====HDChina管理组==== Merry Christmas to all!! Free leech will last for...
Free leech during Christmas 圣诞狂欢,开启free leech 24小时!!圣诞快乐!! ====HDChina管理组==== Merry Christmas to all!! Free leech will last for 24 hours....
2015.12.25 - Free leech during Christmas 圣诞狂欢,开启free leech 24小时!!圣诞快乐!! ====HDChina管理组==== Merry Christmas to all!! Free leech will last for 24...
Related functions on the recent H & R's doubts... We are writing this announcement just to indicate that the H&R is still under testing and you...
目前接到举报,有些人通过迅雷离线下载本站资源,在此,重新提醒各位,严禁使用115网盘,迅雷离线,qq 离线等下载本站资源,在下载软件中务必将DHT关闭。下载种子时,务必不要使用迅雷等软件下载,合理建议,...
本站长双11啥也没捞到,各种付款不能,各种无货,今天,也是管理员之一,起舞结婚纪念日,遂,任性一把, 全站继续free一天,截止2015年11月12日,各种,继续狂欢吧! Freeleech will be extended to 2015/11/13 0:00 (UTC+8)...
Invitation system will be open To celebrate the Singles Day, on Nov 11 at 11am, our invitation system will be open to all user classes above...
目前发现较多有提问H&R提醒或者获得H&R的,这个功能目前处于后台运行中,但对于用户而言并没有影响, 无论你获得多少H&R,甚至无视H&R,都不会封禁,如果不想收到提醒,可以在控制面板,个人设置里进行关 闭。...
If some of your friend joined HDW after March 2014, and their account is not exist on our current database, there is a chance for them to back to...