If some of your friend joined HDW after March 2014, and their account is not exist on our current database, there is a chance for them to back to...
HDChina的管理组是由原HDW部分管理和原OpenMV管理组组合而成,旨为各位追随HDChina 多年的会员提供一个合理、轻松、开放的高清氛围并提升原OpenMV活跃度,全新的HDChina是由原H DWinG的部分数据库整合Open...
Only hours left for the relaunch https://hdchina.club/ Enjoy!!!
Survey 现阶段不作任何保证论坛会正式重开,请认真填写以下表格 --爱你们的其中一位管理 Backup server has turn off. So far, accounts registered after April 2014 are not existed in...
Zhou was sentenced to 5 years in prison and fined 1,000,000 yuan. The other six persons were sentenced to in prison ranges from 1 to 3 years....
HDWing News ~ In test statistics IMPORTANT ~ 2014 year-end assessment has begun, we are very concerned about the statistical evaluation of the...
HDWing: News ~ In test countdown tips ~ 2014 year-end assessment is about to begin, the assessment details, see announcement on November 1, please...
Added Older seed page table style _ Member of their choice Members can switch back to the old version of the browse page tabular browsing, details...
个人设置 样式选项(点我) 新增暗色系。 后续会加入更多配色选择,包括对字体大小、颜色、种子条目背景、排版的调整。相应更改也会在此 贴列出。 意见完善和BUG请去建议区的置顶帖。 无任何建设性意见的回复会被直接无视。 技术上无法提供原版切换功能。不作考虑。 For foreigners,...
HDWinG进一步升级~ 站点将于近两日完成界面的升级工作。届时可能出现短暂的网页无法访问,尽情谅解。 我们深知陪伴会员无数岁月的旧版界面在大家心中有很高的地位,但网站几经修改,界面的整体度大 为下降。 管理组终下决心,彻底更改界面。我们也知众口难调,但尽力做到最好。...
PT should probably aim is to enable users to more convenient, easier and faster access to resources, rather than become a burden. Therefore, this...
公告 关于无法连接tracker导致红种的解决方法: 1. 如果是https导致红种,可以全选种子并修改tracker为http连接方式。 个人设置页面不要勾选 "使用SSL数据加密协议连接Tracker(BT客户端)"。 2. 若仍然无法解决,请修改hosts。 方法参考此贴...
Announcement The maintenance of server has been eventually finished, even though it took much more time than expected. We do apologise for the...
Long after the maintenance work, the site is back to work after three days, HDWinG is back online! http://hdwing.com/login.php
Please wait while website maintenance.The tracker server is still online.
Website will be tomorrow night 8:00 on the server, including web tracker maintenance and upgrades. Maintenance expected 12 hours. Inconvenience,...
Announcement Site opened to cope with CC attack traffic filtering. If you find there 502 difficulty or visit the website, please do not brush mad...
公告 网站开启了流量过滤以应对CC攻击。如果您发发现浏览网站困难或出现502,请不要狂刷狂点,目前只是访问 速度较慢,请耐心等待或稍后再访问。 如果发现您或您的朋友是静态IP且完全访问无法网站,可能是IP被锁,您可以代替朋友在申诉页面申诉,留下 IP地址。或让本人去贴吧申诉。...
passkey是用户在网站下载的唯一身份识别,请注意保护自己的passkey,不通过迅雷等BT软件下 载,不通过离线下载,如果出现passkey泄漏请尽快到[url =/my.php]控制面板[/url]更改,目前已经有用户因为passkey泄漏并长期不予更改而被封禁,请引起重视...
为洝čˇčŽşĺć°ć°ďźĺćśčżćĽćŹćšćŹĄćł¨ĺçć°äşşďźčŽŠć°äşşĺżŤéčĺ ĽHDWinGčżä¸Şĺ¤§ĺŽśĺş*ďźçŽĄççťĺłĺŽĺ¨čŽşĺç¸ĺ ł...
HDWinG working group members recruited notice A recording member (3 to 5) Claim You can record high-definition television at home and abroad...
World Cup spinach opened ~ Gamblers are a few of you come to show their skills now! Remember to see the rules!
网站将于4月21日恢复“持续6周内没有访问本站的,会被系统封禁”功能。 如果长期外出或网络不畅,可以提前采用帐号挂起功能,以免被系统封禁。 请悉知。 另红种问题确实比较棘手,解决方案已提出,技术正在修复。 多有不便,敬请谅解。 HDWinG 管理组 The...
1. 网站访问和红种问题已经解决,请之前对tracker修改过的会员改回来默认的tracker地址(未修改过的不用更改): http://tracker.hdwing.com/announce.php?passkey=你的passkey 2....
1. 红种请不要更改tracker,保持原来的tracker地址。等解决。 2. 种子无法下载的用户,请尝试https和zip的方式进行下载。 3. 进一步的动态请关注此帖主楼,我们会及时更新。点我 HDWinG 管理组 1....
通告 NOTICE...