Hello there! Lately we got a lot of complains that you get error 403 in your torrent client. If you still get such error please redownload the...
In order to provide faster and better for everyone to high-quality re-encoding video, HDS expects to recruit a number of re-encoding video group...
Dear members, We have now opened the invitation system for users above power user class,and you can exchange 50000 for 1 invite All torrents be...
各位用户: 针对近期部分用户反映页面访问困难、显示不全的问题,我们将于近期关闭站点进行维护修复。期间将无法访问站 点,但挂种魔力值仍正常计算,我们将于维护结束后尽快上线!感谢各位的支持和理解!...
Freeleech until Sunday March 27, 2016.
Actualización Tracker Información sobre seeds y leechers Se actualizado el announce del tracker para que éste envíe a los clientes torrent la...
Actualización Web Ordenación del listado de torrents, indicadores en fichas de torrents, trailer Youtube - Añadida funcionalidad para poder...
Clientes torrent Admitido Transmission 2.9.x Se acaba de admitir la versión 2.9.0 de Transmissión así como las sucesivas subversiones (2.9.1,...
Global Freech and Invitation system open Notice: Dear members, Happy new year to all of you! We have opened wide free and invitation system!Every...
2016.02.04 - 2016 HDSPad Mobile Video Team sincerely recruit personnel repression In order to provide faster and better for everyone to move high...
Participa Gran Final - Copa HD-Spain Series Y por fin, la gran final. Muchas han intentado llegar, pero solo puede quedar una!!! Vota por la...
Hello. Now at our NEW IRC channel you can find IRSSI. Now you can use autodl-irssi feature. Details: Network: irc.p2p-network.net Port: 6667...
Participa Cuartos de final - Copa HD-Spain Series Ya vamos llegando al final, solo puede quedar una!!! Vota por tus series preferidas en las...
Actualización Web Bonos en la sección Mi Cuenta Algunos ya habéis visto que al entrar en vuestro panel de cuenta, disponéis de un nuevo dato de...
各位会员: 经过代码改进,从即日起,VIP等级用户(包括限时VIP和永久VIP用户)将不再计算下载量,上传量正常 计算,限时VIP用户到期后分享率不足1的系统将自动恢复分享率到1并免除警告。感谢各位会员支持!特此通 知! HDSky管理团队...
Dear members Happy New Year to all of you!We have opened the invitation system for users above user class,and you will get 3 invites(limited to...
Limited Time Christmas invitation notice Merry Christmas you pro special limited time offer to invite three (extras can send oh) passing...
HD-Space Quote: Hello. Since the Xmas is coming we have decided to open the sign ups. Another thing that we want to announce is that we have now...
HD-Space News Hello. Since the Xmas is coming we have decided to open the sign ups. Another thing that we want to announce is that we have now...
Dear members We are very grateful to you for all the support to the tracker for a long time! Btw,may we remind you,dear members of the VIP class,...
尊敬的各位会员: 感谢各位对本站的长期支持,我们会继续努力,为我们的终极高清乐园添砖加瓦!另,各位VIP会员,若您的限 时VIP等级到期后分享率低于1被系统警告,请您及时通知我们为您恢复分享率,解除警告,以免您的珍贵账号 被系统自动封禁,给您带来不便。谢谢! HDSky管理组...
2015.11.23 - 关于应对春天无良挑衅和无视PT规则的公告 最近,某发布者在我天空发布了TrueHD次世代国语版《坚不可摧》,大家都知道,每个素材的制作都是很辛 苦的,一般都应该得到制作者同意才能发布。这个资源的发布者发布时明确注明严禁转载提取发布,但是最近,一...
2015.11.10 - 11.11神棍节全站开放邀请通知 一年一度的神棍节即将来临,你准备好剁手了吗?你准备好钱包了吗?你的信用卡额度够了吗?其实这都不是重点 。重点是本站决定于神棍节当天00:00至24:00开放邀请注册,同时将邀请权限开放至临时演员及以上会...
一年一度的神棍节即将来临,你准备好剁手了吗?你准备好钱包了吗?你的信用卡额度够了吗?其实这都不是重点 。重点是本站决定于神棍节当天00:00至24:00开放邀请注册,同时将邀请权限开放至临时演员及以上会 员级别,HDSky欢迎你的加入! 以下是相关活动说明:...
Hello there! We want to announce that the sign ups will be open from October 5th. The invites will be disabled during that period, so don't worry,...
2015.09.27 - free cum all stations open invitation to register notice | Global Freech and Invitation system open Notice 天涯共此时festival times Sze!...
【天空爱心 来自天空的正能量】|This announce is only for Chinese users 请你帮助一个7岁的白血病女孩,帮助这个已经完全崩溃的贫瘠的家庭 我们需要一个充满正能量、充满阳光的社会!...
郑重警告 | Notice for All Chinese users 各位会员: 目前管理组注意到一个名为49楼的公网论坛大量盗取本站资源种子发布至其论坛,其无耻程度已经引起全体 天空会员的强烈愤慨!在此警告该论坛名为思路高清的版主,立即停止你的盗种行为!管理组稽查人员已经展...