各位会员, 由于今日中午服务器机房电力故障,导致用户数据库损坏,我们只能恢复到凌晨3点的数据,由此导致大家的各项 数据回滚至9小时前的状态。对此管理组表示深深的歉意!为最大程度减小大家的损失,管理组决定于22日凌晨...
We are very sorry to inform you that we have to roll back the user's data as the server data is corrupt. As a remedy, we will set wide free for 24...
limited timing registration will open! To celebrate the birth of his baby boy, Nyan, one of our administrators,we will open limited timing...
热烈庆祝本站管理员Nyan喜得贵子暨限时开放注册的通知 | limited timing registration will open 热烈庆祝本站管理员Nyan喜得贵子,为宝宝送祝福。欢迎大家到宝宝祝福专帖发表美好祝愿,传送门:点我。...
Hello again, Its August 1st and its time for party. For start we open the sign ups,so more people can join the party! 6 days site free leech will...
Hello guys, On August 1st HD-Space will celebrate! 6 years since its became alive. Thats because of you guys! We will open the registrations,...
From site home page Hello guys, On August 1st HD-Space will celebrate 6 years since its became alive. Thats because of you guys! We will open the...
由于近日来服务器机房硬件不稳定导致多次掉线,目前正在全力排查故障原因,请各位稍安勿躁 We are now repairing the server failure, please be patient if the server is disconnected.
由于近日来服务器机房硬件不稳定导致多次掉线,目前正在全力排查故障原因,请各位稍安勿躁 We are now repairing the server failure, please be patient if the server disconnected.
Global Freech and Invitation system open Notice We are now start Global Freech and open the Invitation system until 00:00:00 14.07.2015(GMT +8)....
Hello guys, for those of you who did not get the news yet: HDSOURCE is BACK!!! After several month offline time the best GERMAN HD Tracker is...
After several month offline the German HD tracker is finally UP. Also and myTorrent.pw
HDSky :: News Quote: Dear HDSkyer, The invitation system is now open for users class above user until 23:59:59 at 28.05.2015(GMT+8). Please...
invitation system open for a limited time HDSkyer should suggest that the majority of the site decided to invite open during limited authority,...
Hello, Since the last open sign ups with had a problem with the registrations and many people didnt get the chance to sign up. The problem is...
【重要】本站年中考核已全面开启 为了更好的完善下载体验和提高会员素质,建立发烧友终极乐园,同时也是清理酱油党,增强会员分 享意识,促进 网站发展,本站决定,自2015年5月1日0时至2015年7月1日零时止,实施2015年度 年中考核,详 情请至本站首页,谢谢理解与支持!...
2015.04.30 - Full Site Assessment Bulletin | Wide Assignment Notice Members skyer: Station site is about to conduct a full range of data...
Internal Group Hello, We are glad to announce that another group became our internal. You can say hello and see more about the group from here....
伺服器地址更改公告|tracker url Update Notice 各位天空er: 本站已完成服务器升级事宜。目前网页已经支持教育网用户直接通过IPV6访问,但bt客户端必须通过ipv 4才能与服务器正常通信。 新功能刚上线,欢迎大家体验后到论坛反馈效果,如发现bug者经核实予以奖励!...
The open registration has ended.
流量异常用户警告 各位流量出现异常的HDSkyer,你们的密钥已经泄露,请尽快重置! 重置方法:点击这里 并勾选“我想重置密钥”完成重置事宜,同时重新下载相关种子进行下载或做种,批量修改pass key参见...
Hello, We are glad to announce that we have another internal group. You can say hello and see more about the group from here. Also DONT forget...
免费代码已恢复正常 最近很多HDSkyer反映免费种子计算下载量问题,维护人员已找到原因并修复。经过多次测试确认免费代码 已经恢复正常,特此公告。之前给各位HDSkyer造成了不少困扰,对此管理组表示深深的歉意,同时要感谢 各位对我们一如既往的理解和支持!...
Announcement on maintenance free promotional codes Recently, many HDSkyer reflect free downloads seed computing problems. The survey did have...
The registrations will be open from April 1st for 3 days!
请不要胡乱求片、催片,最好自己学会DIY 近来可能是由于好片不断的缘故,有些会员给我们发来信息,要求对这片那片加字幕、做特效、加音轨什么的,说 素材都出了,怎么还不DIY出来,更有其它要求。...
handle on the amount of the increase downloads Members HDSkyer, recently found that many users downloaded the issue of increased management group...
We are going to transfer our tracker server to safe rooms in order to against the DDOS attack,please wait for several hours to visit HDSky. Thank...