Recruitment group recruitment is ongoing, long-term effective, please visit: Foreword: After three years of development, the HDS suppression team...
"Translate:" Members, The site will be maintained on the 22nd -25th off-site, please let members know! The period does not affect the cumulative...
Hai Meidi has been accompanied for ten years and you have been there! Blue & Black Stores Join Hands with Low-end Players to High-end Players The...
"Translation:" Join conditions: 1. Have a certain WEB basis, with relevant production experience is preferred for recruitment (priority to...
2018 Sky subtitles group sincerely recruiting subtitles talent In order to provide our members with more perfect film resources, Sky Subtitles...
2018.02.15 - 祝全体HDSky会员2018新春快乐 全站免费6天! 祝HDSky全体会员在新的一年里万事如意!!! 祝愿大家在HDSky分享更多精彩,收获更多快乐!!! 愿我们共同的天空家园更加和谐美丽! 全站开启6天免费,结束时间为2018-02-21 23:59:00...
about yesterday login problem, the site posted this news today: Quote: 各位会员, 大家好,昨晚服务器自动备份时出现异常导致所有账号无法登陆,经过技术人员的不懈努力,现已恢 复正常!...
Do not discuss other sites on this site! Notice for all Chinese users Members, please do not comment on any other forums at home and abroad...
元宵佳节刚过,,HDSky管理组传来喜询:今天下午,管理员luosl86喜得贵子啦,恭喜 恭喜呐[em87] [em48] [em48] 请各位走过,路过的小伙伴们在本贴给我们的宝宝送上祝福吧~~(悄悄告诉你们:您送祝福话,我会送茉莉花噢 ,最高可是有100朵茉莉的奖励呢[em5]...
2017 pressing the HDS Group sincerely recruit personnel repression Introduction: After two years of development, HDS pressing team has grown...
Since the entire station for free, and some still in the novice members of the assessment period, please note that novices will not be a full...
the whole station Free Activities | Site Wide Free Free of charge until February 2 0:00! I wish you all a Happy New Year! On Feb 2nd an until...
Multi-IP users, please complete the record in 2017 before January 14: Because of the recent open invitation and received a report, with a...
New Year's Day event notifications! In the New Year's New Year's Day approaching, all members of the management group members wish you a Happy...
我们一再强调:请永远尊重作者和发布者,是他们带给你分享,尊重他们的劳动成果是一种美德! 一直以来,总是发现有的同学在参与种子评论时,说出些很不适当的言论,要知道,你的言论不但会打击作者或发 布者的积极性,甚至会伤害到他们,也会对后来者造成影响,这是每个PT站都不允许的,在这一点上,请大家多...
HDS group now pressing the following survey: About 1080p-x264 movies and 1080p-x265-10bit next generation of track need to package, or...
REMUX maintenance staff recruitment is not full remux maintenance staff recruitment is not full, there are still a drama, or Hong Kong,...
In order to provide faster and better for everyone to high-quality re-encoding video, HDS expects to recruit a number of re-encoding video group...
Dear members, We have now opened the invitation system for users above power user class,and you can exchange 50000 for 1 invite All torrents be...
各位用户: 针对近期部分用户反映页面访问困难、显示不全的问题,我们将于近期关闭站点进行维护修复。期间将无法访问站 点,但挂种魔力值仍正常计算,我们将于维护结束后尽快上线!感谢各位的支持和理解!...
Global Freech and Invitation system open Notice: Dear members, Happy new year to all of you! We have opened wide free and invitation system!Every...
2016.02.04 - 2016 HDSPad Mobile Video Team sincerely recruit personnel repression In order to provide faster and better for everyone to move high...
各位会员: 经过代码改进,从即日起,VIP等级用户(包括限时VIP和永久VIP用户)将不再计算下载量,上传量正常 计算,限时VIP用户到期后分享率不足1的系统将自动恢复分享率到1并免除警告。感谢各位会员支持!特此通 知! HDSky管理团队...
Dear members Happy New Year to all of you!We have opened the invitation system for users above user class,and you will get 3 invites(limited to...
Limited Time Christmas invitation notice Merry Christmas you pro special limited time offer to invite three (extras can send oh) passing...
Dear members We are very grateful to you for all the support to the tracker for a long time! Btw,may we remind you,dear members of the VIP class,...
尊敬的各位会员: 感谢各位对本站的长期支持,我们会继续努力,为我们的终极高清乐园添砖加瓦!另,各位VIP会员,若您的限 时VIP等级到期后分享率低于1被系统警告,请您及时通知我们为您恢复分享率,解除警告,以免您的珍贵账号 被系统自动封禁,给您带来不便。谢谢! HDSky管理组...