Quote: We are happy to announce that the freeleech will be extended 12 more hours! Happy seeding! The end will be at 11.04.18 12:00+2 GMT! Update:...
3 temp invite giveaway Everybody received 3 invites and they will be active for the next 5 days! Use them wisely!
We are happy to announce that the freeleech will be extended 12 more hours! Happy seeding! The end will be at 11.04.18 12:00+2 GMT!
We are so happy to announce that we are 10 years together, going stronger by the day! We want to thank you all who help to build this strong...
Latest News: 10th Birthday: We are so happy to announce that we are 10 years together, going stronger by the day! We want to thank you all who...
You have probably (one way or the other) seen disscussions about latest version/s of UTorrent. The version 3.5.3 (latest one) fixes those bugs...
Please welcome our new Internal Group for BluRay Discs BaggerInc and Zombie!!!
Dear friends, New address of hdturk.org page, hdturk.eu management shared this information on the main page. I provide information to friends who...
"Hello, Users with a rank HD Newbie and above were given 3 invites for 7 days. Use them wisely! Kindest Regards HDT Team this is an automated...
Dear Members, You can find here(i m not giving redirecting URL) a list of torrent clients allowed on our site . Clients not mentioned here will...
22/09/2017 23:40 TehConnection - 2017-09-22: As everyone else around,we have been made aware of issues regarding to another private tracker called...
Your Highness as Your Highness Administration - Covis As HDTURK Administration , we congratulateall of the HDTURK family on the Feast of Ramadan...
List of Allowing Client (s) on our Site. Dear Members if you are using a client other than this one, please change it within 7 days. Clients...
Google Translation: Server maintenance, please be patient! Latest news please pay attention to members exchange group: 4202960
庆新春,HDtime于丁酉年初一至初三全站2xfree,初四至初七全站free! 注:全站优惠期间由于不计算下载量,正在考核期间下载未达标会员请于初一前及时完成考核下载增 量! translate.google.com Quote: Qingchun, HDtime in the...
HD-Turk News Merry Xmas And Happy New Year :santaclaus: Hi Dear Friends Page opened as a Christmas gift, membership - short term. Respects
At 0:00 on February 7 at 0:00 on February 8 ---- open invitation day.
是非对错,不是你HDB(天空CEO)你能歪曲,望你好自为之!同时希望某站别在纵容HDB在恶意颠倒黑白 了! 此次HDB行为极其恶劣,使用其他管理人员帐号删除种子,现已恢复被删除数据,相关贴做删除处 理! Right and wrong, not you HDB (sky CEO) you...
致亲爱的时间会员! 热烈欢迎新同学! 欢迎您来到HDtime,这里是属于你自己的高清世界!在你开始畅游时间高清之前,请你务必去这里仔细看看 哦。 https://hdtime.org/forums.php?action...4&topicid=1105 关于注册本站的特别说明:...
Notice of assessment and open for registration The site will open a three-day open enrollment tonight (2015.11.30) 24, and aims to clean up the...
If you have (had) an account at bitgamer, change your passwords immediately! If you were on a trip to Mars or another distant planet and missed...
前言:考核,是我们所不愿意的,这也不是我们所追求的手段。我们已经在,并越来越好地为大家奉献着资源,但 奈何酱油党和跑跑党太多,这完全违背了PT精神,我们相信,这也是大家所不愿意看到的。 PT的精神在于分享,我们着力打造的,是一个自由、分享、快乐的高清世界。过多酱油和跑跑党的存在,是阻碍...
05.10.2015 We are growing even more! We got a new Blu-ray Internal releaser! Please, make KESH feel our warm welcome...
Welcome DinoRider!! HDtorrents are pleased to annonce we got one more top-notch Internal ripper,in addition to already active HDMike....
New KRaLiMaRKo members Welcome the new KRaLiMaRKo members: TIG3R, singhvivek, cuccuc, APOLLO and ZMachine! They are still in test period but I...
New Internal release group. Welcome HDMike - our new internal Blu-ray release group!
HD-Torrents :: News Quote: 23.03.15 Chatbox is temporary disabled. Do not ask in forum/helpdesk when it will be back!
Chatbox is temporary disabled. Do not ask in forum/helpdesk when it will be back! You can reach HD-Torrents through any of our 4 domainsȘ:...
19.03.15 Updated Bonus Points System. Quote: What do I get bonus points for? You receive for every hour the system is registering you as a...
New Bonus Points System Bonus Points system is renewed! So everybody will receive what he deserves depending from size and numbers of torrents...