Wir wünschen Euch eine entspannte Weihnachtszeit und einen schönen 1ten Advent. [IMG] Unser OnlyUp lassen wir bis zum 05.01.2022 aktiviert. Die...
Happy Thanksgiving 2021 Click the image to leave your wishes [Attached Image]
DoubleSeed for NEW TV & WOC uploads until Nov 30th
Congratulations to the conservation group c* on the big wedding! I wish forever to be of one mind, to have a good time for a hundred years, to...
At the request of the majority of members, the current site starts the zero-yuan purchase activity Happy Thanksgiving, sharing is caring NL (not...
[IMG] [IMG] It’s that time of the year again, the one where you give thanks to the Turkey god while you feast on their cooked carcass. Yes, it is...
Happy Thanksgiving Antlers, where ever you are. I realize this is more of a US Holiday, but tis the season to be giving, so I am giving everyone a...
We would like to thank everyone who helps to support XWT and were entered into our Survivor Series Raffle. As always your support has helped to...
We are aware of intermittent issues with the site and tracker and are working to improve things. Thank you for your patience.
Hit & Run and Seeding Rules We would like to clarify the Seeding and Hit & Run rules. All torrents downloaded MUST been Seeded for 7 DAYS or...
Invite System Maintenance - Solved Dear member, The maintenance has ended and all email features area working again. Best, Aither Staff
GFXPeer is back online.
Dear porners, It's time for a new logo for our website. We're launching a contest, it will start today till 1st of December [IMG] Prizes: 1st...
Sziasztok Barátaim, elnézést a kellemetlenségekért, az oldal karbantartás alatt áll, hamarosan új rendszerrel térünk vissza, figyeljétek a...
Half a Decade Five years ago, a star site was born. The circumstances were far from ideal: our initial community of refugees was still reeling...
A közelmúltban csatlakozási és csatlakoztatási problémákat figyeltünk meg néhány kliens konstellációnál. Ennek oka lehet az évek során felbukkant...
Currently the auto uploader bots are no longer providing content, anyone wishing to upload and share here on Twilight, contact staff to get...
Moin kedves közösség Észrevettük, hogy néhányan nem adtak meg PIN-kódot bejelentkezéskor. Ennek persze nem szabadna lennie. Hiszen okkal töltjük...
Sziasztok kedves tagok! új javításokat és pluginse-modokat adtunk a következő szolgáltatásokhoz: - Fix (javítás az IMDB kapcsolathoz)...
Dear member, The maintenance has ended and all email features area working again. Best, Aither Staf
Upload Rules After weeks of discussions and lots of re-writes, the upload rules has been updated. We urge everyone to take the time to become...
Invite System Maintenance Dear Members, Our invite system is currently under maintenance. Please do not send any invitation until further...
Google Translation: Freeleech 24-hour freeleech from d********* 2 days 12 hours 56 minutes 58 seconds Freeleech :)
Lyrics.LoL Top 200 Spotify Music with Lyrics ( Updated hourly )
[IMG] Hi All, Due to current site issues, we are testing certain aspects of the site. Staff are currently testing certain frameworks. You may...
Dear OurBits members: The 21st of this month is the fifth anniversary of the website. Thank you for your support along the way. To celebrate,...