[IMG] Hello my fellow Fapsters! [IMG] A new upload event to celebrate the SITEWIDE FL & DS surprise from our Staff! Each upload will earn...
Welcome all new users! Here's a 5 week sitewide freeleech+doubleseed event for you. Have fun! (everything is free and what you upload is double)...
Moin Comm, who has problems with the certificate via HTTPS. Problems with seed boxes or roots please update curl / openssl this is an old...
Dear porners, It's time for a new logo for our website. We're launching a contest, it will start today till 1st of December [IMG] Prizes: 1st...
Clarification - posted 1 day ago It has come to my attention that a some folks are reading the previous news bulletin backwards. baconBits has...
Account settlement All Users who have enough points to settle their account are informed to do so! They must exchange 1000 points to remove every...
[IMG] We do appear to have some issues at the moment, we are working on it. The site is working as a whole, it just appears that certain...
Site is back http://krazyzone.net/
Alternative domain has been added hxxps://desitorrents.rocks/ site should site should now be accessible without a VPN....
System at The mail has been Repaired mail system has been repaired!
Hello there! ABT is looking for people interested in helping out as MODERATORS. If YOU might be interested, the requirements are few, i.e. --...
Salutare,userii care au avut cont pe vechea sursa https://datascene.net si au intrat aici cu acelasi nick sau diferit,sunt rugati sa dea un PM...
I want to remind you that the H&R's are not tolerated here! After you download a torrent you are required to seed it for a MINIMUM 48 hours! Over...
Salutare tuturor! Dupa cum observati am revenit cu hainute noi! Va multumim pentru ca sunteti alaturi de comunitatea DsT si va rugam sa aveti...
Your account is in danger - posted 1 hours ago We've disabled a bunch of accounts today that apparently used a password that was not unique to...
Pre- announcement of the Preservation Points System For a long time, PT stations have relied on the behavior of brushing traffic to protect their...
It is down atm.
Update to Chatbox rooms & Bot announces Hi all, We have added a new chat room called "Announces". This chatroom is only for bot announces, like...
Congratulations to the preserving group qinjin1234 on the big wedding! The station is free until 23:00 on October 17, 2021.
WARNING: The website has disabled login function! Please DO NOT logout or clear browser cookies!
a* has triggered the Freeleech Pool! The following films have been randomly selected and are now freeleech for the next 48 hours. Liberal Arts...
WAŻNE Drodzy Użytkownicy, długo zwlekaliśmy z tą myślą i cały czas mieliśmy nadzieję, że nie dojdzie do takiej sytuacji, jednakże pojawiły się...
Meet Ella The Elephant, a spirited little elephant with a magic red hat, big heart and even bigger imagination! Join Ella and her friends Frankie,...
Double upload for donations 13.10-15.10 EEST time zone
The previous cut-off of 15 years has been changed to 10 years. This means that currently anything prior to 2012 can be requested & uploaded. As...
Az oldal nem elérhető A kapcsolat időtúllépés miatt megszakadt A(z) justjerk.me helyen lévő kiszolgáló túl hosszú ideig nem válaszol. A...
Hello, We are once again at square one! We really need your help to keep HDME going on smoothly! We have had almost no donations since over 4-5...
The HnR system returns to its functioning from hrs on 10/07/2021 HNR Rules TEAM https://s19.postimg.cc/p5u0dywcj/Log...iro_150x50.gif