Dear all, this documentary film project is seeking support through crowd funding. The director, Valerie Bäuerlein, kindly shared her first film...
The CMCT working group is now recruiting the following people for all members. If you are interested in participating, please choose a group that...
Hello, IPT needs your help!! We need a professional coder to help us build windows based bot for uploading.
Maintenance completed successfully. There was a glitch in our system causing multiple users to received an email stating they are banned due to...
Quick Note guys Automan is off for a while due to maintenance, will be back as soon as possible Thank You for understanding
Pe 15 mai vom deschide inregistrarile timp de 24 de ore, in limita a 5000 de conturi, anuntati-va prietenii. Recomandam sa se foloseasca email de...
Registrations are OPEN! *** Requests now available for all members to post *** *** Follow the RULES *** (your account will get removed without...
Registrations are open
Welcome to May's Newsletter. We are going to kick off this Newsletter with the normal grizzles but just as a list. Please however, do not think we...
Sitewide Freeleech for 24 hrs and 0 secs
Freeleech! Download doesn't count! Poured by A* ! Frielich operates on EET (GMT + 3) until: 2021-05-10 12:30:20
Hey, With the covid hitting us hard and lock downs in several countries i know its difficult however we still have to ask for help from members...
2xGold Raid by b* will end in 1d -1h 59m 40s!!!
The registration is open until 31.05.2021!
Error 502 Ray ID: 64c432a5f8824125 • 2021-05-08 16:52:19 UTC Bad gateway
First 1000 new users get 1 month vip Just send PM to staff and you get your 1 months vip!!
The site is running a little slow for some, and there have been some 5xx errors this morning, mostly from people in Australia. Hopefully this is a...
As most of you have already noticed, the tracker has been very unstable for the past two days. In order to identify and fix the problem we are...
Good News everyone. Invites is back on, any members wish to invite friends, family etc, just ask. Remember guys, we can only survive through...
Hello, As much as i hate to ask again and again we once again need your help to keep HDME up and running! There are no donations since the past...
A NOTE REGARDING THE INVITES :arrow: You are free to invite as much people as you want from your available invites. Invite trading is strictly...
Seedbonusverlosung Informationen Durch die Einzahlung von Seedbonuspunkten nimmst Du automatisch an der Verlosung teil. Die Auslosung findet zu...
FL token glitch Following yesterday's update, there was a glitch that caused Freeleech tokens to be spent, but remain inactive. The regression has...
Dear User, Please be advised that the tracker will be under maintenance at May 8th with a total downtime of approx. 30 minutes. This period of...
Celebration of the Finest of Arts: Hentai Day Upload Event 2021 May 6th, the day everybody around the world cums together to celebrate the finest...
May the Fourth flash freeleech. Enjoy.
Good News Everyone! We've had many ups and many downs but we're back to bring you the juicy news. OVH has taken a long while to deliver, but...
Hi everyone, We are getting reports that the tracker and site are down. Don't panic, we are looking into it, and should be back soon. :)
Server is down