Sitewide Freeleech for 6 days, 5 hours ------------------------------------------- It's Easter again, in case you missed it In these troubled...
Internal Server Error
Thanks d**** Lets all give a big 'Thank You' to d**** for his contributions to the site, he has become our most prolific uploader. There is a...
Sitewide Freeleech for 6 days, 10 hours ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Christmas Sitewide Free Leech...
NellyFrozen's Christmas 2019 Bailout Event It's December, holidays and all that jazz, so I will bailout 50 unlucky users, who are on Ratio Watch....
Sitewide Freeleech for 17 hours and 42 mins ---------------------------------------------------------- Veterans Day Free Leech It's Veterans Day...
Server is down
Sitewide Freeleech for 2 days, 7 hours Memorial Day - 27 May, 2019 Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, commemorates all of the men...
Dear HPT members, we've moved domain! The site should have automatically redirected you to our new home at!...
[IMG] Happy Easter to all! To celebrate we are throwing a Free Leech Party until Midnight UTC/GMT/Zulu Monday, April 22, 2019
In the last couple of days there have been several torrents posted containing archived files. While we truly appreciate people wanting to...
Change to the Upload Guide regarding acceptable content Part Deux Better late than never they say (whoever 'they' are, no one really seems to...
Change to the Upload Guide regarding acceptable content Amendment To The Watermark Rule Part Deux The HPT staff, after much discussion, gnashing...
Merry Christmas and a Happy Free Leech! [IMG]
At a member's request we now have a collage dedicated to Pakistani and Indian (Desi) videos.
Just a reminder that all torrents are to have a description of the content as per the Upload Guide here. The rules are as follows: Every torrent...
New collage dedicated to Mardigras flashers Yup, you read it right. We now have a collage dedicated to women exposing their upper torso for...
The edited portion now reads: Real deep throat is not when she has taken all the dick she can nor is it when the dick is forced down her throat,...
[IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG] [IMG] Happy holidays people, enjoy the break however tickles you, and of course freeleech until New Years day See...
Welcome to HPT Beta! We have migrated to a new and more powerful torrent tracker. With that upside there is a downside. All of our torrents and...
Last Weeks of Summer - Open Registration To help cope with the end of summer, registration is now open on HPT! Come one, come all!...
Guys and Girls, The staff at ULTRASEEDBOX.COM have been kind enough to donate us with a Super Power Seed box - Thunder Package, which we have...
Hope you are all ready for the February contest! It's looking like our contests will get better and better with each month! So here goes... How...