[IMG] Dupa cum spune si titlul aici aveti dreptul sa propuneti idei pentru site si forum dupa bunul plac. De preferat ar fi ca ideea sa vina...
Hello friends! We will continue here The contest - about the IceTorrent tracker. This is the weekly question, the third, related to everything...
Concurs - Ce stii despre traker-ul IceTorrent? Va salut prieteni! Initiez astazi un nou concurs. Este vorba despre o intrebare saptamanala...
WE invite you to join The Ice Poker Club. So, you can play in IceTorrent.org Tournaments on Pokerstars.ro Platform - Home Games section. All the...
[IMG] Cu ocazia sfintelor sarbatori Pascale, va propunem o competitie simpla dar extrem de avantajoasa. Cautati toate torrentele care au...
With the occasion of the Easter Holidays, we offer you a simple compentition but extremely advantageous. Search all torrents that have a strict...
Autorul release-urilor iREAL a decis ca nu doreste ca aceste torrente sa ajunga pe nici un alt site de torrente si a hotarat ca nu va da acordul...
http://www.icetorrent.org/pic/flag/uk.gif As this suggestive title of this project, IceTorrent staff provoke your imagination to share a Trinket...
[IMG] Duminica 26 Februarie are loc gala finala a premiilor Oscar, de aceea ne-am gandit sa va testam intuitia si va invitam sa ghiciti...
Sunday, 26 of February, takes place the final Oscar Awards ceremony, and we thought about testing your intuition so we invite you to guess the...
If you receive a message or email that seems to be from us and contains a link other than our direct adress, do NOT click on the link ! That...
As many of you know, users of this wonderful tracker class between Ice Legend Power User and have the right to upload, so it definitely can...
To all of you who perform uploading activity: * Two new categories have been created: HD: HEVC/x265 and 4K/UHD. -You can find the rules for...
[IMG] Fiindca sarbatorile de iarna bat la usa, iar zapada deja castiga teren cu fiecare zi ce trece, va propunem o competitie exact cum spune...
Uploading Rules Update! In categories SD and MicroHD will not uploaded poorer quality torrents or with imperceptible differences than those...
Charity Campaign Quote: Can you help! You and you give a helping hand to a family struggling to cope with the problems but fails alone. If heart...
TORRENT OF DECEMBER !! Quote: ICE Packs Christmas movies 1-2 Starting 16/12/2015 (00 hour) has started the 'Limited Offer Torrents', which aims...
TORRENT OF DECEMBER !! ICE Packs Christmas movies 1-2 Starting 16/12/2015 (00 hour) has started the 'Limited Offer Torrents', which aims to...
We changed the rule that was restricting the upload of HD (BluRay x264) to only the first 720p and first 1080p . Now, if the movie is allready...
This is adressed to our foreign (non-romanian) members. Years ago, when the ICE Age was just beggining, this site was created mostly for romanian...
Please do not delete torrents from your client ! We are experiencing some technical difficulties but we are working to solve them and all the...
If you consider yourself NOT SELFISH , please read this, Do you like our site ? Do you find interesting and useful stuff to download...and...
Since almost any drink not go without ice or PROMOTIONS, IceTorrent not go without, so this month we were more diligent and have prepared the...