Re: 2011-02-22 14:10:51 GMT RMT 5 years anniversary 5 years have passed since the tracker was born and it grew well beyond our...
Re: 2010-12-20 23:44:33 GMT Happy new year ! Global freeleech enabled ! Hello, winter holidays come and Satan Klaus and his epic...
Re: iPLAY 5 years anniversary We proudly announce you that our big brother, iPLAY tracker celebrates 5 years of existence. We wish...
Re: 2010-11-07 09:11:25 Support this website Special offer via PayPal until 15 November 2010! Details: here Any donation is...
Re: 2010-09-24 13:38:06 GMT Requests Hello, as you probably already know any RMT member has upload rights. You can take a look...
Re: 2010-08-27 19:50:15 GMT utorrent 2.0.3 major problems At the end of this weekend this utorrent version will be banned. Please...
Re: mass PM to everybody Ban utorrent 1610? Yes 54% No 46% Votes: 1,034 According to the poll, those of you who still using...
Re: mass PM to everybody Starting from now you have FREELEECH to all torrents doesn't matter if they are tagged with free, 50% or...
Re: mass PM All the users who are using utorrent 1.6.1 are invited to upgrade to the last stable build. It will be banned in...
Re: 2010-07-27 17:39:32 GMT New Tag Introduced! Hello dear users! As you know, way back ago we started a mass campaign of...
Re: 2010-03-08 12:00:40 GMT Support RMT Only for users from Romania! Dragi utilizatori RMT, oferta de 5 EURO prin SMS a fost...
Re: 2010-02-06 21:29:46 GMT Inactive users deleted Today we have pruned (deleted) the users which registered here just to say...
Re: 2010-01-27 12:16:39 (3 days ago) GMT Hi everyone, i have made this special section in the forum where you may ask for dvdrips...
Re: iPLAY 2011-07-12 - iSEED RO: Pentru a veni in ajutorul vostru, pe iPLAY s-a introdus sistemul iSEED. Niciodata n-a fost mai usor sa iti...
Re: iPLAY 2011-05-08 - Probleme / Troubles RO: Am intampinat probleme hardware in acest weekend. In mare parte am recuperat informatiile,...
Re: iPLAY 2011-04-12 - iSEED RO: Pentru a veni in ajutorul vostru, pe iPLAY s-a introdus sistemul iSEED. Niciodata n-a fost mai usor sa iti...
Re: iPLAY 2011-02-25 - iSEED RO: Pentru a veni in ajutorul vostru, pe iPLAY s-a introdus sistemul iSEED. Niciodata n-a fost mai usor sa iti...
Re: iPLAY 2011-01-07 - Atentie / Attention RO: Pentru a evita furtul de cont / passkey tineti minte urmatoarele aspecte: - singura adresa de...
Re: iPLAY 2010-11-23 - We Play for 5 years! Looking back on these years we can honestly say that it's been a hell of a play! And we got this...
Buna seara Inscrierile la concursul organizat de iplay pentru recrutarea traducatorilor s-au incheiat. Topic-ul a fost actualizat. Cei care sau...
Buna ziua Iplay organizeaza un concurs in urma caruia speram sa completam echipa de traducatori a site-ului. Fie ca doriti sau nu sa...
2010-10-11 - REGULI NOI / NEW RULES 1. Pentru a veni in ajutorul vostru, torrentele de la categoriile TV/Episodes, TV/Boxsets si Movies/XVID vor...