We're currently experiencing network issues in BLOG AND FORUM... We're working hard to get this resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience.
We're aware of some tracker issues, seeding torrents count may be incorrect time to time. The issue will be fixed ASAP.
The website is experiencing downtime due to database issues.
Tracker currently is experiencing load issues, and should return to normal shortly.
Torrent Client IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended to use qBittorrent 4.3.x with PD torrents. As of qBittorrent 4.3.2 new added feature: "HTTPS...
Sites are offline due to server issues.
Downtime due to server issues.
Website is experiencing connectivity issues due to server overload.
Service Unavailable!
Néhányan valószínűleg észrevették, hogy már nem lehet csak bejelentkezni, vagy az ügyfelek különféle hibaüzeneteket köpnek ki. ok Problémánk van...
Site is experiencing connectivity issues due to invalid SSL certificate.
Tracker currently is experiencing load issues, and should return to normal shortly. MRD (rss, redirector, tiny url, etc) is currently experiencing...
Christmas Freeleech 2020 extension As you are all aware, we hit a few problems over the last several days due to server issues and as usual d****...
Website is unstable, experiencing connectivity issues due to server overload.
Site Issues... It appears we have resolved one issue, only to turn up a couple of others. Currently we advise you not to post anything new at the...
Users may encounter temporary connection problems due to DNS issues (IP change).
Website and tracker have been unstable for the past one hour (mostly down). Issues seem to have been resolved for now.