Discord chat server : Hey hey hey peeps! Thanks to some very hip folks who know what's cool and trendy we have now set up jpopsuki's own...
Attention folks! We're slightly changing the FLAC upload rules. Up till now we haven't made any distinction between FLACs split by track and...
As an official announcement does not exist, Free Leech is currently active.
Lately e-mails from jpopsuki stopped reaching users with Microsoft mailboxes (@hotmail.com, @ outlook.com, @ live.com). If you plan on forgetting...
Mail problems! Lately e-mails from jpopsuki stopped reaching users with Microsoft mailboxes (@hotmail.com, @ outlook.com, @live.com). If you plan...
Poll contest To mend the dreadful situation with the lack of news and declining quality of the polls, I decided to kill both birds with one stone...
Jpopsuki staff has got treats for your audible! It's that time of the year when people are thinking about what cosplay to wear. We can't give...
Happy 4th anniversary! Hey everyone, it's been 4 years already! So happy birthday to us, to all of you that have supported us over the years....
Relax! There are no news at this time. Everything is fine, please remain calm.
Fast status updates needed? Try twitter! So after today's issues with the VPS it came to our attention, again, that many people still...
20 Million completed downloads! Even with all the recent troubles and DDoS attacks, I'm happy to announce that we just had the 20...
More DDoS news and stuff! Hey there! If you can read this, your ISP has updated it's DNS information and you are reaching jpopsuki...
DDoS, Downtime, freeleech yadayada [IMG] So as most might have noticed the site was unavailable for the last 4 days - some might...
Timeout and Unregistered torrent related issue feedback needed I think most are aware of the timeout issues many had in their bittorrent...
Global Freeleech has ended.
Downtime, freeleech and what not. Hi folks! So as some have noticed the tracker and jpopsuki.tv was down most of Feb. the 12th. This...
freeleech has ended
Happy Holidays! Another year is almost gone so it's time for us all to celebrate and offer you our gift of a week long holiday...
JPopsuki.tv Hey everyone! The one or other user might have noticed our new video-streaming portal located at http://jpopsuki.tv by...