Google Translation: The chariots of the Gold Mine are full! Freeleech for all until 2018-05-21 15:00:00, Quebec time.
Google Translation: The chariots of the Gold Mine are full! Freeleech for all until 2018-05-12 23:00:00, Quebec time.
Hello everyone, as some have seen, we had a bug in the gold coins that were connected with your seed time for about 48 hours. This bug is now...
Google Translation: The chariots of the Gold Mine are full! Freeleech for all until 2018-04-22 08:57:41, Quebec time.
Google Translation: The chariots of the Gold Mine are full! Freeleech for all until 2018-04-15 at midnoon, Quebec time.
Bonjour, toujours pour mieux faire évoluer Le Saloon, un tout nouveau module a été créé afin de vous amuser. Nous avons nommé ce module, La Mine...
Google Translation: Hello everyone, for the Week-End Pascal, The Saloon will be in FreeLeech, from Friday morning until Monday evening, good...