After much consideration the staff has voted on the contest and the votes have been tabulated. The winners will follow below, if you won please...
We are aware of the site issues, We are currently working to get the site back to 100% - Sorry for any inconvenience.
Throwaway TV Shows Update Members can still request 'junk TV shows'. Quote: Request it each week and in the format you want. If you don't want...
[IMG] Spring is here! Once again we'd like you to show off your photo skills. There's no limit to pictures, we are looking for the most...
Hey MTV family, our IRC server is back up and running. Invites should be operational as well. Thanks for your patience, and we appologize for the...
Hey guys, our irc server is back up and running. Thanks for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused you. We'll discuss...
Hey guys, as you have realized, our IRC is down right now. We will have to wait for the one who manages it to come online so there is no ETA. For...
New poll for y'all! More here
EDIT: The Winners have been announced. Please check the contest thread if you haven't done already.
After a lengthy debate we have the Christmas Tree contest winners: 1st: s********* (please contact i*********** to get the server prize) 2nd:...
Merry Christmas A new year is very quickly coming to an end. Before it ends, there is something some of us are celebrating. We wish you all a...
Tracker (both HTTP & HTTPS) is offline.
Hi MTV Family, our upload servers are currently in limbo, feel free to upload any of your favorite shows or movies that are missed by the bots!
Slight Changes We have made the invite forum Boom Operator and higher. We did this to increase site usage and make it require some work to...
Legjobb karácsonyfa 2018 [IMG] Az évnek az az éve, hogy megmutassa a karácsonyfát, bármilyen méretű, egyedi díszítéssel díszítve, tele fényekkel!...
"For the invites, if they appear to be missing from your account, try logging out and back in again, or using another browser. Thank you!"
Hi everybody, We at MTV wanted to say THANK YOU for staying with us, and on this glorious day, Our 4th Birthday, in the spirit of MTV, we would...
Its Been Awhile. Hi guys, You already know, we are working on the site. But,we had some hard time finding developers to help. Most of them being...
Greetings all, We have some exciting news to share with you today! Upload.php Auto Fill User Vicey created an auto fill script, which staff...
Hi, all! We have a small update for you today: Interview Hiatus Interviews for new members have been paused indefinitely as there has been a...
Interview Preparation: [GENERAL REQUIREMENTS] You must have accounts in good standing at 2 private trackers that you must be able to provide...
Interviews on June 24th at 19:00 UTC (2 hours) Check MTV review for irc related info.
Hello former Nebulance users: Due to the recent closure of Nebulance, MTV is now accepting a limited number of new members for a short period of...
The Staff Update You All Wanted to Hear Hello all, After much work and discussion, management will be expanded to make up for our lost staff...
Some hope has arised for the site to keep on. From a staff member: Quote: Staff is currently discussing options for MTV to go on. Stay tuned
From the home page. Quote: Hi all, It is with a heavy heart we announce that will be shutting down over the next few weeks. The...
Enforcing Client Whitelist We'll be updating our client whitelist and start enforcing it immediately. This means that if the client and version...
Hi guys and gals, I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Christmas and new years. The time has come for all of us to think back on what happened in...
MTV Christmas interviews: 22nd-23rd Dec (48 hours) starting and ending 00:00 UTC.
I can't believe that it has been three years already. To start off, I want to thank everyone that has helped us come this far; past and current...