Dear *, As we make changes to our infrastructure some downtime will be imminent. I also want to run some additional tests so the tracker will go...
Interviews are over! See you next year! Congratulations to the new users. Happy Holidays! Twitter update
Tracker's Name: (MTV) Genre: TV Sign-up Link: Applications are open! Additional information: (MTV) is a ratioless Private...
And we areeee on! The 2016 Holiday Interviews are starting now! Timezone start point : Australia - End point : United States | Good luck!
Holiday interviews 2016 at 17. and 18. December! : Hello and welcome to the interview for the 2016 Holiday recruitment. You will have...
Revamping infrastructure & Donations Hello guys, after the events that took place this past week, we evaluated our situation regarding security...
Dear Friends, as fellow members of the Private torrent community we are deeply sorry for what happened with It was one of the best...
From one of the owners of MTV: "In the light of what happend with we decided to cancel open interviews for Christmas. We are sorry and we...
Happy Birthday! 2 years and running: Happy Birthday! When my Friends and myself started this tracker, we wanted...
#News 13 / VPN's / Área Portuguesa Dear friends, Here at we have always believed that every user has a right to privacy and we really...
Transmission has been infected, again. Details are from: Q. What happened? A. It appears that on or...
First Line Support Recruitment Hi everyone, we have 2 vacant FLS positions so if you wanna help out at MTV, you have the chance to do so now....
Hey guys, the tracker is down for some days because of some changes. Please, do not delete torrents which have an error and...
Hello guys, Last night we had a staff meeting where we discuss the day-to-day operation and how the development on V3 is going. And we agreed to...
Good morning MTV, I'll be brief: So I wrote a patch and we are not vulnerable to this...
My amazing friends and dear community, Already posted this on a thread but I have been thinking will be better to post it on the news. Since we...
Happy Easter Quote: HAPPY EASTER!!! Yes it's another holiday, boy does the time travel. Now I have some good and bad news. Good news, today we...
Dear Friends, Tomorow, March 15, we're going to do some maintenance and upgrades to our internal network so you can expect some downtime but we...
News #6 / Scheduled maintenance, upgrades and updates 39 mins ago Dear Friends, Tomorow, March 15, we're going to do some maintenance and...
Dear Friends, Starting two days ago, we had a large DDoS hit our tracker. The site and other services stayed up, But we don't expect this attack...
Dear Friends, The last month of purchasing invites via the market just expired. From now one, we will enforce the rules that were voted here....
Regarding New Tracker/Announce URL : we already announced that we added another announce url which you can find it in your profile and also...
Dear Friends, Today we added another announce url which you can find it in your profile. We did this for cases where CF could stop the...
Dear friends, Invites are now open for all classes, again. You will have one month (four weeks) to send the invites, to whoever you feel like....
2016 News #1 / Development / Invites / Updates18 hours and 38 mins ago Dear friends, We are already a couple weeks into 2016 and it’s time to...
Like the title says..... Happy New Year 2015!! Ups, 2016 i wanted to say, i hope you guys will not need to edit too many documents when you go...
UPDATE : Holidays interviews are closed. Welcome to new members, we wish you to find a new home here. If you need any assistance don't forget to...
Hey guys, Hope you all had a great Christmas! The holidays are a time of giving back to people who have helped support you through the past year....