Reminder about Web DL music rules Due to recent influx of many new web music torrents, we would like to remind all users that our rules allow...
[IMG] FullMixMusic 8 p. · Sziasztok! [IMG]:) Oldalunkon szabad regisztrációt tartunk a mai naptól 2020.06.29. 2020.09.01.-ig Várunk minden...
Google Translation: Freeleech 24-hour freeleech from (various users) ******!!...
Ratio free will end on July 6th. Just giving a heads up in advance that the free leech period we've had for the past few months will be coming to...
Site is offline for scheduled maintenance.
Website, (HTTP & HTTPS) Tracker & Torrent Announcer are offline for the past 1 hour.
Site is down. "The backend is not responding. Wait a minute or two and your favorite site will return."
Google Translation: Freeleech 24-hour freeleech from Е****!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 hours...
Commenting on torrents is possible, although only on a specific torrent / format, rather than the overall release / group page. We are however...
Google Translation: Freeleech 24-hour freeleech from Е****!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 hours...
The site has come back to life after several months of downtime, at a new domain: --------------------------------- Site...
Unread read messages in your inbox? I recently broke the notification of new replies to private messages, which was dumb, but Gazelle has a way...
Google Translation: Freeleech 24-hour freeleech from A****!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 hours...
The website is experiencing downtime due to database issues.
Google Translation: Freeleech 24-hour freeleech from A***********!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Google Translation: Theft of accounts From the Staff we remind you of the need to strengthen the security of your accounts, changing the access...
Google Translation: 2020 Sky HDSCD team recruits non-destructive original music talents In 2020, the Sky HDSCD team will recruit talents who can...
[IMG] Országszerte megemlékezéseket tartanak csütörtökön az első világháborút lezáró trianoni békeszerződés aláírásának 100. évfordulója, a...
Site is down. The server is not responding.
Google Translation: Gold tokens for June 2020 5 gold tokens have been delivered to all users, expiring on 06/30/2020.
Tracker Neve: Genesis Műfaja: Zene Regisztrációs Link: Zárás dátuma: Ismeretlen Egyéb...
[IMG] Pünkösd napját, azaz a Szentlélek eljövetelét és egyben az egyház megalapítását a keresztény világ vasárnap, a húsvét utáni ötvenedik napon...
The site seems to be shutting down or at the best case, going through a real big trouble staying afloat. We'll know more in the following days.
Following a code update, some people have received a System message Saying their leeching privileges are disabled due to insufficient ratio, when...
[IMG] FullMixMusic 11 p. · Sziasztok! Új meghívó kódok! A mai naptól egy hétig érvényesek 2020.05.19.-2020.05.25-ig Értelemszerűen azok a...
Tracker Neve: Naftamusic Műfaja: Lossless zene Regisztrációs Link: Zárás dátuma: 2020.május 31. Egyéb...
5 days 23 hours 5 minutes 5 seconds Freeleech :)