Google Translation: Freeleech 24-hour freeleech from (various users) ******!!...
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 9 hours.
Google Translation: Freeleech 24-hour freeleech from k*******!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22...
Per a staff member: Quote: We haven't heard from our sysop since August. I think it's fair to say to that Waffles, despite its extreme resilience...
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 3 hours.
[IMG] FullMixMusic 11 órája · Sziasztok! Új meghívó kódok! A mai naptól egy hétig érvényesek 2019.11.04.-2019.11.10.-ig Értelemszerűen azok a...
We Are One Year Old It was a wild rollercoaster of a ride getting the the site set up, but we succeeded, and after...
Elrejtettünk 288 db lemezt (CD, Bakelit formában) az aktív torrentek adatlapján! A Lemezek amiket megtaláltok azok már nem játszanak (törlödnek),...
[IMG] A mindenszentek vagy mindenszentek napja a keresztények ünnepe, az üdvözült lelkek emléknapja, melyet a katolikus keresztény világ...
Freeleech 2019-11-01~2019-11-10 (GMT+8), site wide freeleech. 2019-11-01~2019-11-03 (GMT+8), you will be able to use the invite system Notice:...
Server is down
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 1 hour.
Torrent Announcer is down.
New members and few existing Hi all This is mainly for new members that have recently signed up to the site and the few others as i didnt really...
Google Translation: 10/25/2019 - Freeleech 24-hour frilich from the Si****!! 22 hours 24 minutes 41 seconds Freeleech :)
[IMG] Az 1956-os forradalom és szabadságharc Magyarországnak a sztálini szovjet hatalom elleni forradalma, és a szovjet megszállással szembeni...
Logon You cannot log on yet. We are still working on details. In the meantime initialize your account. See below. Account initialization Before...
Maintenance is underway on the site. It will return when everything is done. Join IRC for more information. 2019-10-20 This should not take too...
GazelleSync Security Issue If you have used GazelleSync in the past 24 hours, please double check any torrents that were created/uploaded as it...
Site maintenance this weekend Hello beloved people, The site will be offline for a couple of hours this weekend to perform some major database...
Scheduled Downtime (ALMOST) READY "Prepare for unforeseen consequences, Mr. Freeman" Back to the shop for a better outgoing mail setup. Check...
Google Translation: Freeleech 24-hour freeleech from S*****!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23...
Check Notification Settings Due to a recent bug that has since been fixed, if you have tried to save your user settings in the last couple of...
Scheduled Downtime READY Final staff only testing before the public release. Check back around the next weekend. Updated: 5 October 2019