Google Translation: Freeleech 24-hour freeleech from (various users) ******!!...
Site is offline for scheduled maintenance.
It's that time of the year everyone. I can't believe it's now TT's 15th birthday.. it's amazing we've kept this community running for this long...
[IMG] FullMixMusic Tegnap, 2:35 Új meghívó kódok! A mai naptól egy hétig érvényesek 2019.07.15.-2019.07.21.-ig Értelemszerűen azok a kódok amik...
About a month ago we announced that we're looking to expand our moderation team. A big thank you to everyone who responded and offered their...
Downtime due to database issues.
Google Translation: Freeleech 24-hour freeleech from S*****!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23...
Google Translation: You can still vote for the best peak of the month of JUNE. Participate! Become a community! Share your tastes! Congratulate...
Google Translation: Security in Accounts We remind you all, do not use the same password in several places at once, or that this is a weak...
Google Translation: We have a tiebreaker for the best album of the month of APR of 2109. We need your opinion ... Tell us which do you think...
Google Translation: Freeleech 24-hour freeleech from A***********!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Google Translation: You can still vote for the best peak of the month of APRIL. Participate! Become a community! Share your tastes! Congratulate...
Hi folks, Submit your nominations for the next Album of the Month here - forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=2596 Discuss this post here
Google Translation: Freeleech 24-hour freeleech from Е*****!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23...
Google Translation: We are pleased to inform you that DivTeam and Doppler Effect have reached an agreement so that members of Doppler Effect who...
Google Translation: We are pleased to inform you that PuntoTorrent and Doppler Effect have reached an agreement so that members of Doppler Effect...
Uploaders Wanted [EN] Uploaders Wanted you can apply here [RO] Suntem in cautare de uploaderi cei dornici pot aplica aici...
Update: Hermes has been restored and is back up and running.
Google Translation: Music videos All the musical contributions have been eliminated ... All the musical contributions without video have been...
Just to keep you informed, Hermes is in a quasi-dead state and won't restart cleanly until someone logs into the server and gives it a nudge. This...
Google Translation: Freeleech 24-hour freeleech from c***********!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------...
The June '19 Update Whipper accepted for ripping After much ado, we have finally officially added support for logs generated from whipper 0.7.3...
Google Translation: Sunday brunch with T* Hello dear TSC'ler, on Sunday, 16.06.2019 it will be loud again. Our dear DJ T* provides us again with...
[IMG] FullMixMusic 29 perce · Új meghívó kódok! A mai naptól egy hétig érvényesek 2019.06.15.-2019.06.21.-ig Értelemszerűen azok a kódok amik...
Google Translation: Failing to release the torrents It seems that there is a problem when it comes to releasing the torrents. Although threads...
Google Translation: Freeleech 24-hour freeleech from S*****!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22...
AoTM (Album of The Month) June Voting Get your votes in the forum here Discuss this post here