That's not supposed to happen This is what is known as a 502 error.
Site is back up after months of downtime.
Requests can now specify a checksum If you are looking for a FLAC rip of a CD, you can now specify that the log must contain a checksum. The...
We're testing a new hnr system. Please see the wiki if you don't know what a "hit and run" is. If you have hnrs the header will change; instead...
Poll: Downloads vs. recommendations As well see poll on layout / styles.
Progress: 80% We are almost there. Get ready for a public test (2/3) of our new original tracker very soon. For those who are waiting and...
FullMixMusic 1 órája · Új meghívó kódok! A mai naptól egy hétig érvényesek 2019.03.24.-2019.03.31.-ig Értelemszerüen azok a kódok amik nem...
Site maintenance is done (was: in 12 or so hours time) Maintenance follow-up in this thread. It didn't go quite as smoothly as I expected, if...
Hello, just a quick note to inform people that I will be taking the site offline to upgrade a couple of things. I expect it will take around half... will be back soon.
Global Freeleech mode activated! Open registration activated! 4 DAYS, 9 HOURS & 39 MINUTES REMAINING
[IMG] 1848. március 15-én – az európai forradalmi hullám részeként – Pest-Budán is kitört és vér nélkül győzött a forradalom a nemzeti...
Error 503: Service Unavailable! Something Is In The Works
Latest user mixes: Cold And Minimal Vol 2 A second compilation of Minimal Synth, Experimental, Coldwave; Ambient and Downtempo tracks from Fernan...
libble survey is here for anyone still interested and it shouldn't take more than 5 minutes. Thank you!
Naughty R2R/CracksNow (Rule Update) Updates to the Do Not Upload List: Releases From R2R:...
Redtopia is closing in 22 days, 18 hours, 8 minutes, 8 seconds. I do not have the time to maintain it anymore. I have way to much going on between...
ALBUM OF THE MONTH Vivienne Mort - Досвід (2018)
Some of our music torrents may contain explicit language. Please check notes before downloading
Global Freeleech mode activated! 29 days, 18 hours, 1 minute and 40 seconds remaining.
We will be performing maintenance on the IRC server around 12:00 UTC on February 27th. There shouldn't be more than 15-30 minutes of downtime.
FullMixMusic 56 perce · Szevasztok! Ismételten elérkeztünk ebben az évben is oda, hogy elkezdjük törölni az inaktív fiókokat az oldalról! Ha van...
FullMixMusic 54 perce · Új meghívó kódok! A mai naptól egy hétig érvényesek 2019.02.24-2019.03.03.-ig. Értelemszerűen azok a kódok amik nem...
Redacted Statistics - Year Two! We are happy to announce irredentia's second annual Redacted Statistics threads. For just over two years,...
Collage Count Correction There was an off-by-one error in the database and everyone from Power User and up had one less Personal collage...
Elrejtettünk 380 db lemezt (CD, Bakelit formában) az aktív torrentek adatlapján! A Lemezek amiket megtaláltok azok már nem játszanak (törlödnek),...
CLOSED for new Registrations! Don't lose your password or access to your registered mail. Add this mail - ******** , to your contacts and mail if...
Update: The channel key for now is: *** You have to provide this key on joining. /join L*** Wiki: Code:...
More than anything RED values the security of your accounts. Key in maintaining that security is users being able to manage the connections that...