Freeleech for 48 hrs is in progress on PTH. Latest update: Hello, again! I just wanted to give you a quick update about the freeleech times. A...
Xanax upped the max user limit to 40k now. Still closed and invite only though. will officially change to
A Thank to All: Wow You all are amazing. You really are. WE've hit over 20k torrents already, and, as of this news post , we're just shy of 2k... is down as of 2:33 AM EST. The shut down came as a result of the site's inadequate security, since apparently the tracker got easily...
Check yours if you register there :
Hey all, We hope you are having a lovely holiday weekend In light of recent events I feel that it is important to make a few things clear....
Update: Download stats have been reset to compensate for the unfortunate FL-bug. Our sincerest apologies.
We're speechless, the past 24 hours have been an extraordinary experience. Only 16 hours ago we had 3.500 members and over 1.000 torrents, now...
In the wake of what can only be described as a tragedy, where the world lost an extraordinary tracker to corporate greed, we bring you XANAX to...
ISP network maintenance - site will be offline on November 25th
As most of you are probably aware, it looks like is shut down and not coming back. We want to welcome back anyone who hasn't really been...
VIP unlimited for torrent upload guide video. We need your help: Dear members, I got 20 messages every day from newbies asking me - "How to...
Listen-along events at Discord : Hey, everybody. Just want to make sure you don't miss the news about listen-along events we'll be having from...
Hello everyone, I wanted to share an important development with you guys regarding the future of nostream. Following the recent events that led to...
Discord chat server : Hey hey hey peeps! Thanks to some very hip folks who know what's cool and trendy we have now set up jpopsuki's own...
Our Fall Fundraiser will run a few more weeks. We are not getting ahead much and are still working on next months upcoming bill so your help is as...
For November, all torrents that involve family members in the same group will be freeleech.
Few things about Torrentech are needing to reach as many members as possible, so please don't mind this most direct approach... 1) Members that...
Reg bezárva!! Aki rosszalkodott a nyitás alatt, ne csodálkozzon ha már nem fog tudni belépni egyik fiókjával sem!
Legyen hétvégére 3x es szorzó? Ha lesz 100 like a postra lesz,,hajrá!!!! [MEDIA]
The tracker calculates x3 (triple) the amount of data uploaded! Hurry Up and Enjoy Seeding!
[IMG] Aug-05-16 - Staff Update! Please welcome our new staff members to help run our favorite MV site! Congratulations to Ambolous, dave76, Rak...
Summer promo: If you are interesting in joining, maybe we may invite you for a donation. Inquire at xbtmusic(at)
Please finish your downloads by the end of the week. FREELEECH will be disabled sometime during the next weekend.
TranceTraffic Radio May 2016! It has been a while since we've had a TTR, so lets make it happen this month! If you wish to partake in this...
Attention folks! We're slightly changing the FLAC upload rules. Up till now we haven't made any distinction between FLACs split by track and...
2016-04-26 21:25:49 - 15 minutes of maintenance tomorrow in the afternoon The site might be down for around 15 minutes tomorrow in the afternoon...
Ma a Vénus Rádióban 19-kor Kvizjáték lesz.